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Egal Minyan Ken Sold Separately

Check out that teeny tiny Steinsaltz!! I wonder where her teeny tiny Jastrow is.

Coming soon: outfits for davvening with Women at the Wall and staffing the agunah help hotline, as well as a yad for kriyat Torah and a couple of Boyarin titles. As far as I understand, Skipper’s the one who runs the Rosh Chodesh group and comes accessorized with a Miriam’s Cup.
(Jen of is the Barbie stylist and photographer, she gets all the credit here.)

25 thoughts on “Egal Minyan Ken Sold Separately

  1. first, one should notice the set of ritva in the background. and if she still needs steinzaltz, then she definitely could use jastrow.

  2. shep, weekday shacharit. i suppose the minhag vis a vis tallit gadol/katan varies by community but it is quite common to wear tallitot gedolot.

  3. shep– most of my yekke friends who say shacharit regularaly also wear a tallit for it. plus lots of other folks who really like tallitot.

  4. It just doesn’t look right. Even with the tallis and the tefillin. As my mother would say: “She’s too pretty to be Jewish!” So for a more authentically Jewish appearance, put some braces on her teeth, get her a pair of red Sally Jessy Raphael-type glasses and a 1950’s style Hasidic skirt down to her ankles with matching long-sleeved jacket and pillbox hat. Shave off the long, blonde shiksa hair and top it all off with a dark brown sheitel, and voila! You’re in business!

  5. BS”D
    I’m going to have to agree with Cole, Jabotinsky & RM.
    I welcome any opportunity for discussion about women in non-trad roles.
    Although this took a great deal of time & skill to make, I find it offensive.
    My concern is Jen’s deliberate choice of Barbie iconography, given the associations. Most women of our generation (the over-30s) find Barbie to denote “trivial”. Barbie is a cultural shorthand for plastic, superficial, brainless, and demeaning. It’s the ultimate non-feminist icon.
    This image says to me that basically feminist Jx women are bimbos just “playing” real Jews & that feminist Jx women who CHALLENGE tradition for the love of torah, are really playthings. Either the women or the traditions.
    So since I’m sure that Jen’s intention here was NOT to trivialize feminist women in Judaism, perhaps it could have been better thought out.

  6. (I’ve said this over on Soferet’s blog, but I’ll say it here too:)
    This over-30 woman doesn’t find Barbie to universally denote “trivial,” and is anything but offended by the playful–even, to me, empowering–image of Davening Barbie (as my husband & I call her: she’s got a tallis as well as tefillin, so she’s more than just Tefillin Barbie by me! Weekday Shacharit Davening Barbie, in fact, as zt and RM have pointed out…).
    Not all feminists are anti-Barbie, nor is Barbie or her history necessarily anti-feminist. Barbie was created by a Jewish businesswoman, Ruth Handler, who named Barbie and Ken after her daughter and son; after undergoing a mastectomy for breast cancer, Handler developed a better type of breast prosthesis (along with post-mastectomy swimwear) as the “Nearly Me” line. (See her entry on the PBS “They Made America” site, where she’s honored among the Innovators.)
    Barbie need not be a bimbo, and the woman who created her certainly wasn’t one. I’d definitely allow (even encourage!) any daughter (or son) of mine to play with Davening Barbie as well as the proposed Egal Minyan Ken. 🙂

  7. women do not wear taleisim nor tefillin nor they need a minyan nor they count in minyan…. this is not Judaism, sorry. no matter how many people will be ready to stone me for it…
    Moshiach now!!!

  8. No, yid, it is not us who stone people. We are not fond of experimenting with proyectile physics with sundry materials whether it be to protest a march or to “defend” the Sanctity of the Koisel.
    Btw, we also want Moshiach Now! She will straighten your opinions!

  9. Guys, this is a perfect example of ludicrous feminism. Women have their own role in Judaism – they needn’t adopt the role of men. You don’t see men lighting Shabbos candles every week, so we shouldn’t see women wearing tefillin and tallises.

  10. For women to adopt the role of men in Judaism is to say that their given role is inadequate. People consider the woman’s place in Judaism to be lesser because so many women treat it as such, not because it theologically is.

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