Identity, Mishegas, Sex & Gender

Quick: List the offensive things in this article!

Jewneric: Jewish Guys & Asian Girls, Oy Gevult!

Trust me, I’m a Jew. So what’s the deal with this attraction anyway?
After galavanting around Manhattan this past Saturday night with Jewish girls of course, I found myself sharing a cab with a Filipino girl back to Brooklyn. Relax mom I was just making sure she got home..uh..safely.
Mind you, officially Filipinos are Asians and the Philippines is part of Southeast Asia. The Philippines used to be called the Philippine Islands of the Pacific, so describing Filipinos as Pacific Islanders is still not wrong.
Our lively conversation ensued, and because this attraction has been plaguing me for so long I had to get her thoughts on the matter at hand. After clearly offending her when I told her the Jewish guys that I know think Asian girls are more submissive- bad idea- she started a defense on behalf of the whole female Asian community. I don’t think she saw my point, that sometimes the attraction is rooted in low self-estee­m men who can’t handle the tough Jewish woman, and are attracted to ­the general passivity of asian women.

That’s just a sample.
Personally, I’m not sure if I should be more offended by the terrible writing, lack of editing, antifeminist approach to dating, conflation of race and religion…. oh, shit, if I list everything then you won’t get to play.

22 thoughts on “Quick: List the offensive things in this article!

  1. Hey David,
    Thanks for posting my article!
    2 Points:
    1- The points made in this article are based out of observation and unfortunately from the details I gathered from friends and peers, they are tue.
    2- In addition, I purposely brought up these offensive points and negated them. I’m not sure if you read the whole article, but I never came to a conclusion.
    You should also realize its satire, not meant to be taken seriously.
    Anyways, I apologize if I personally offended you or anyone else 🙂

  2. After clearly offending her when I told her the Jewish guys that I know think Asian girls are more submissive- bad idea- she started a defense on behalf of the whole female Asian community.
    Of course she was defending the whole female Asian community – that’s who he insulted in the first place!

  3. Maybe if we get offended when anyone raises the issue of Jewish men and Asian women it will just go away by itself.

  4. Oh wow. That’s an impressively awful, antisemitic, racist and misogynist piece. And it really is hard to know where to start, but I’ll throw in the incredibly sexist way of seeing Jewish women as tough (and hence unattractive, unsexual etc etc). It’s almost boring in the way that it reinforces the anti-Jewish-woman stereotypes which seem to come from some Jewish men.
    And then of course there’s the orientalist sexism of Asian women as being passive and hence sexually available and desirable. Again though, so boring and predictable in its offensiveness. Sigh.
    As you say, though, there’s so much more in there that needs critiquing…

  5. Well, I think more truth is good for everyone, especially for me. I learned that Asian women aren’t meek, and that Jewish guys aren’t smart. Seriously, though, Charlie. Maybe Asian women like Jewish guys because Jewish guys are submissive.
    BTW, tell your dumbass counselor that Jewish women don’t need Jewish men to make Jewish babies. I mean, duh.

  6. OK I’ll play. Can I be offended by the unparallel terms girls vs. guys?
    If we are talking about sexual attraction I hope we are talking about women and not girls.
    Also, I don’t think in the long run being with someone who is (at least on the surface) submissive is going to fix anyone’s low self-esteem problems.

  7. OK I’ll play. Can I be offended by the unparallel terms girls vs. guys? If we are talking about sexual attraction I hope we are talking about women and not girls.
    THANK you.
    I try and express this disconnect to people all the time. My favorite is when a businessman speaks about the “girl” who works in the office — I try and remind him that child labor is illegal in the US.

  8. Hey Charlie!
    Thanks for posting your response!
    I did read the whole article and it’s tue [sic]- it shouldn’t be taken seriously at all!
    1- “based out of observation”
    I’m glad someone finally designed a proper scientfic survey focusing on racist Jewish men with low self-esteem. We need to examine the roots of this attraction to Asian women, including those with ancestry from islands in the Pacific (which is an Ocean next to the continent of Asia) but limited to people of the Book (so none of those shy Shinto, and definitely no Buddhist lesbians or Confucians who can dance).
    2-“brought up these offensive points and negated them….but I never came to a conclusion”
    Maybe passivity? No. Maybe shared culture? Offensive! So how could “high self-asteemed” Charlie ever be drawn to a kippah-wearing “cute Korean” coyly making kiddush at the bar? A recent hypothesis put forth by researchers at the University of Movies with Justin Timberlake (UMJT) is that Asian women are “hot.” The laboratory of One Shared Cab to Brooklyn conducted a randomized, controlled study of 1 Filipina female. Initial results indicate the average temperature of offended female Asians may be 98.6 degrees, but we’re not really sure about that.
    (Sincerely, I do appreciate that you are polite in your response and hope you write an article about intermarriage so I can read it as well…. -id 🙂 )

  9. DK, maybe if we were able to discuss human relationships in ways that don’t exoticise or belittle any of the parties, we’d be able to have productive discussions.
    But I’m confused by your wording. What exactly is the “issue”?

  10. My turn:
    strikingly similar cultural and historic values and traditions
    We could say this about any culture compared to Jews. Everyone has plenty in common.
    the attraction is rooted in low self-estee­m men
    Zuckerberg has low esteem? I have a few male friends with Asian fetishes who believe their attraction has nothing to do with anything about their esteem and everything to do with subtle, ingrained racism. That is their theory, which they own and seek to overcome.
    who can’t handle the tough Jewish woman…are attracted to ­the general passivity of asian women
    According some of the limited research done on this topic, there is little basis for the stereotype that more married Jewish couples feature Asian women partnered to Jewish men than the reverse. And that’s not counting the non-heterosexual relationships where Jewish women date Asian women and where Jewish men date Asian men.
    There is however, plenty of discussion (especially in the Asian American community) about why Asian women are exotified more than Asian men. Check the data by OkCupid about the racial preferences of heterosexual online daters (same data for same-sex is here). The response rates suggest Asian women are more “desired” than Asian men, regardless of race. Asian men least of all. White people, however, are in high demand by every race regardless of gender.
    The secret for Jewish guys may be a little deflating: Asian women don’t prefer them because they’re Jewish, but probably because they’re white.
    that isn’t whats grabbing my attention when I spot that cute Korean by the bar
    Is there room in this analysis for indiscriminate lust too?
    “Keep it in the tribe boys. We need more Jewish babys!”
    If we really wanted to maximize the number of Jewish babies in this generation, then we’d all be intermarrying and extending patrilineal and matrilineal heritage on all offspring. Or, living as single parents and adopting 2-3 unwanted orphans each. Also…why do we need more Jewish babies? We’re growing in number, not shrinking.

  11. @dlevy,
    The issue is that there’s nothing to talk about. Guys like Charlie merely prove that living in Brooklyn isn’t enough to make you hip. Families of mixed Asian, Jewish, and non-Jewish white families of all sorts are ordinary in my neighborhood of Brooklyn. Five things things stand out. First, alien anthropologists would probably classify us as all belonging to single culture, broadly speaking. We’re alike in our temperaments, educations, levels of privilege, values, and how we raise our kids. Second, Jewish-Asian couples do not stand out particularly over non-Jewish white and Asian couples. Third, as far as I can tell, gender plays no noticeable role. (Same-sex couples included.) Fourth, there’s a relative absence of African Americans in this particular melting pot. If there’s an interesting issue in the area, it’s that one. Fifth, I believe our kids won’t understand this conversation: alien anthropologists aren’t merely fictional devices.

  12. dlevy wrote,
    DK, maybe if we were able to discuss human relationships in ways that don’t exoticise or belittle any of the parties, we’d be able to have productive discussions.
    Maybe, and maybe also if we were able to discuss human relationships without it descending into social-left word games of constant excuses to feign offense, we could have productive discussions. But at least in public, that isn’t what is preferred in certain spaces. Getting offended and THANKING others who do as well is preferred.
    Kung Fu Jew wrote,
    “The secret for Jewish guys may be a little deflating: Asian women don’t prefer them because they’re Jewish, but probably because they’re white.”
    The secret is young Jewish guys often don’t give a hoot why they are preferred. They are just happy to be preferred.

  13. The secret is young Jewish guys often don’t give a hoot why they are preferred. They are just happy to be preferred.
    I actually do suspect internalized antisemitism has some part to play in some Jews’ psyches and attraction to all kinds of things. Like not caring if the Christian Zionists want us dead later, just so long as they love us now.

  14. That sounds more pragmatic than internalized anti-semitism, KFJ. It is more likely to me that some Jews prefer allies to the very unlikely possibility (in their minds! I’m not saying it can’t happen!) to UFOs certified by Jesus saving the Saved and not the infidels, especially the Jews.
    But we were talking about Asian women and Jewish men. Can we get back to that, KFJ?

  15. @DK
    Is it politically correct for me to say that I don’t give a flying **** how some dude with blue balls drunkblogs? If the dude wants to sit in the dunk-tank, he’ll get dunked. (And yeah, expecting not to get dunked smacks of male privilege. The best medicine – dunk the hoser.)

  16. DK, I have no idea what you mean by “social-left word games.” Could you perhaps restate what your problem is in, dare I ask, plain English?

  17. dlevy wrote,
    Could you perhaps restate what your problem is in, dare I ask, plain English?
    Sometimes it seems that some people prefer to play “Who can get the most offended” more than just having a conversation. Here, let’s take a few lines from this here thread and see if you can empathize even if not agree.
    “Quick: List the offensive things in this article!”
    ” I’m not sure if I should be more offended by”
    “Oh wow. That’s an impressively awful, antisemitic, racist and misogynist piece.”
    Again though, so boring and predictable in its offensiveness.”
    “there’s so much more in there that needs critiquing…”
    “Can I be offended by the unparallel terms girls vs. guys?”
    “THANK you.”
    dlevy, just let me know if you need more examples. You know I am always up for a discussion, and let me ask in advance, in the off chance that I have ever offended you or anyone on Jewschool, as unlikely as that is, I hope you all will give me a complete mechilah. So we can start it all over fresh on Sunday.

  18. DK’s game is an old one, quickly becoming cliche. On the one hand DK damns euphemism. But DK would not like anyone calling the dude a bigoted prick (although sometimes surprises are welcome). Personal offense is not at issue; the issue is that Charlie’s post was unacceptable, because bigotry and chauvinism are unacceptable. DK attacks tangentially, because it’s unpopular to defend a bit of chauvinist bigotry.
    If Jews prefer to date and marry Jews because they want to observe with their families, that’s great. If Jews want to date and marry Jews out a motive of tribal self-preservation, that’s permissible. In my opinion, it’s weird and misguided, but even weird and misguided behavior can be just fine. But if Jews want to date and marry Jews (or avoid them) because of pernicious racial or cultural fabrications, they can stick it. If they announce it in public, we can stick it to them – at least until they own up.

  19. If Jews prefer to date and marry Jews because they want to observe with their families, that’s great. If Jews want to date and marry Jews out a motive of tribal self-preservation, that’s permissible. In my opinion, it’s weird and misguided, but even weird and misguided behavior can be just fine. But if Jews want to date and marry Jews (or avoid them) because of pernicious racial or cultural fabrications, they can stick it. If they announce it in public, we can stick it to them – at least until they own up.
    Dan O — thanks for the nuance!

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