Culture, Global, Israel, Justice, Politics

Jewish Voice for Peace calls on Michael Moore to make his next film about US/Israel relationship

Jewish Voice for Peace is urging controvercial filmmaker Michael Moore to select the topic of the relationship between the USA and Israel for his next film. JVP requests that people sign a petition to persuade Moore to “take the case”.

Let the cries of ‘anti-Semitism!’ begin!

25 thoughts on “Jewish Voice for Peace calls on Michael Moore to make his next film about US/Israel relationship

  1. JVP requests that people sign a petition to persuade Moore to “take the case”. Let the cries of ‘anti-Semitism!’ begin!
    Why, Brown Babylonian — I had no idea you thought Michael Moore was an antisemitic filmmaker. How come?

  2. Now, I know there are a lot of flaming Leftys that lurk here, so I’m probably going to be the minority when I emote that a ‘Vote for Moore is a Vote for Being a Dummy’.
    Ok, when he did BFC, I watched it. Heck, I even enjoyed it. I took it with a grain of salt, but didn’t get as angry as those over at Moore Watch. Probably because I wasn’t “so scared.”
    When Moore accepted his award and slammed Bush, I’m sorry a Linda-Ronstat didn’t happen to him. He would have looked cute with a bottle lodged in his face.
    Now, F911 is another story. I can recognize that you Leftys are so deathly afraid of Bush that you need this sort of Lies and Misdirection to help you to sleep well at night… but when MSNBC and Newsweek are rebutting, it’s a different story.
    Sorry folks, but if MM tells the story between USA and Canada, I’m officially leaving this religion. Screw you guys, I’m going Anglican.
    Shabbat Shalom.

  3. Frankly, I don’t think Moore has the subtlety that would be required for a fair treatment of this subject.

  4. michael moores well know record for truthtelling and accuracy make him the perfect chronicler of the muslim v. israel & west story, progressives everywhere should offer to contribute to the budget of this new epic.

  5. if he does it, im not sure he will get the same support from hollywood as he did with fahrenheit. not that hollywood is so pro-israel or anything, its just the jews there probably wont be comfortable with it. and who knows if the weinsteins would finance it. also, michael moore’s agent is a guy named Ariel Emanuel, lol.

  6. What would be wrong with ‘exposing’ the billions that US taxpayers pump into Israel (actually most stays inthe US) and how that Israel controls the ZOG sitting in D.C.?
    Or would Moore also do a parallel US-Islamic countries expose and show how many billions the US gives, for instance Egypt, and how they don’t even respect you or say thank you. Did you know you give the Saudis foreign aid? Definite material for a MM documentary.

  7. i cant understand why US is supporting israel so much… i mean money… warfare and etc! what for? is us full of jews or wTFF?
    Christians > jews.

  8. i cant understand why US is supporting israel so much… i mean warfare… money.. etc! why dont we give like 10billions to Spain because they’re christians? why should M. Moore make a movie about USA and Israel relationships, why not USA and England, what makes israel so exceptional? its only a fkin little country located in some desert in arabia.
    Christians > jews.

  9. “Of course many Israeli children have died too, at the hands of the Palestinians. You would think that would make every Israeli want to wipe out the Arab world, but the average Israeli does not have that response. Why? Because in their hearts, they know they are wrong, and they know they would be doing just what the Palestinians are doing if the sandal were on the other foot.”
    -Michael Moore’s “Dude, Where’s my country”
    I don’t wear sandals and I don’t thing the Judean Arabs would be as kind to us.

  10. Shows what kind of a moron would post he wants Moore to make a movie about the US Israeli relationship.
    I’d rather see a documenatary on the culture of lies in the Arab world and particularly the Pali areas.
    How the PLO can lie in a blatant and consistent manner and noone ever questions their credibility, almost as if its taken for granted. Yet anytime they can use the propaganda machines the Europeans and the world will blare out the propaganda the PLO puts out, Jenin – Mohammed al-dura.
    I think the brave and “intelligent” Mobius should travel to the territories and do a documentary on that.

  11. When he’s done I’d love to see him in Saudi Arabia regularly reporting on the Sermons in the Mosques and Abdullah blaming the Zionists for seducing Saudi kids into rebelling against their “protectors”

  12. “Of course many Israeli children have died too, at the hands of the Palestinians. You would think that would make every Israeli want to wipe out the Arab world, but the average Israeli does not have that response. Why?”
    Because we do not wipe out people.
    “Because in their hearts, they know they are wrong,…”
    This phrase couldn’t be more mistaken.
    While some of our actions are wrong (whose aren’t?) we are most certainly right in principle, that is our right to exist. We are people just like you, get used to it (that’s Zionism described ‘al regel a’hat).
    So: in our hearts we feel we are right, and in our brains we know we are.
    “…and they know they would be doing just what the Palestinians are doing if the sandal were on the other foot.”
    Jews were on the receiving end most of recent history, and our reaction was mostly different from the Palestinians’.
    This said, while we don’t have much empathy to the Palestinians these days, many of us accept their getting a sovereign state of thier own, but not without a negociated peace treaty. If I do not wish to impose a diktat on the weaker side, I’d certainly won’t accept a diktat from it either, even less from some pathetic “voice for peace” activists from abroad whose “mission statement” (as can be read on their website) is replete with words like “Israel must” do this and “Israel must” do that.

  13. R. Shalom Shabazzy,
    Please speak for yourself. Giving them a sovereign state is not the answer to anything and while many people had accepted the idea, most realize now what a big mistake that would be, even with ‘negotiations’. Why make the same mistake twice? We can’t even trust them with 40 000 AK-47s, 2 Mi-8 choppers, 6 APVs, a friggin Navy without a port and protecting Joseph’s Tomb and the ancient shul in Jericho and you want to give them a state in our front-yard?
    Just to remind you of the thousands of hours of negotiations that were wasted to get from signing with the PLO and until Camp David, and how the Palestinians didn’t keep too many commitments at all.

  14. Josh
    Whether you like it or not, as a political perspective “Eretz-Israel ha-shlema” is bar minan.
    And the Sharon line today is more on the “left” (in Israeli parlance) than the Rabin/Peres line ten years ago.
    Because most Israelis don’t want to annex the territories (or else we’d have annexed them already), but prefer to concede them in a negociated and agreed manner (or else we’d have gone out of there already).
    Now if you wish to annex, and make the Palestinians citizens, this would cease to be a Jewish nation-state and you’d be offering Israel’s enemies the hallowed “one-state-of-Palestine-secular-and-democratic” that is: another Arab state like many others; if you wish to annex but to withhold citizenship from the Palestinians, you’d be making true the antisemitic lie of “zionist apartheid”; either way annexion is *not-gonna-happen*. Better deal with it.
    And if the Palestinian side is not willing to negociate, Israel will probably withdraw unilaterally in a manner avoiding inclusion of non-citizen Palestinian population within Israeli line of control.

  15. In Fahrenheit 911 the Arabs are the new Jews. “They” control the banks, “they” control Bush (who, Moore shamefully suggests, thinks about the Saudis when he wakes up), and “they” are terrorists. For Moore the fact of Saudi nationality or Semitic features or Arab dress is proof of perfidy. His film was apallingly racist. Watch the film and replace Saudi Arab with Jew; how do you feel? Surely we can criticize the Kingdom and America’s relationship with it (which has lasted at least since Roosevelt) without equational “Oil = Arab = Terrorist” thinking.
    I think that Americans need to learn about Israel and Palestine, but I would prefer a more responsible filmmaker.

  16. si wrote:
    In Fahrenheit 911 the Arabs are the new Jews. “They” control the banks, “they” control Bush (who, Moore shamefully suggests, thinks about the Saudis when he wakes up), and “they” are terrorists. For Moore the fact of Saudi nationality or Semitic features or Arab dress is proof of perfidy. His film was apallingly racist.
    have you even seen it ?

  17. In Fahrenheit 911 the Arabs are the new Jews. Interesting, though hardly surprising — and something to think about for those who hold that propaganda is alright when it’s the right kind of propaganda. Which inevitably leads to the right kind of stereotypes, and so on. (To say nothing of Jewish media ethics. But who cares about that, right?)
    But what I wanted to mention was that this theme is explored in a couple of well-known books by Jack Shaheen, for those looking for a little bit of summer reading.

  18. Babylonian, yes, I saw the film three or four weeks ago. What makes you think I missed it? This isn’t about politics; this is about racism. For what it’s worth, I was and remain opposed to the war, can hardly be called a Zionist, and am Jewish.
    Some of Moore’s film was quite powerful, especially the juxtaposition of a childish, gleeful President with scenes of mayhem and destruction in Iraq. The second half of the film—the Patriot Act and Iraq—was very good (except his treatment of institutionalized torture). I left the theater feeling sick. However, I found Fahrenheit 911 profoundly unsatisfying as polemic. There are far better arguments to be made against Bush’s handling of the war on terror, ones that do not rely on vague insinuation and illogical, incoherent thinking.
    As for Moore’s depiction of the Saudis—do you not think it was racist? What exactly is the viewer to make of the montage of Bush with Saudis set to “Shiny Happy People”?

  19. Moore doesn’t have the courage to take on Israel & their “puppets” as Nader so poignantly calls them.
    The bad thing about Israel & the Jewis in general is their appetite. They never know when to say “no”.
    Israel has turned mostof the rest of the world against America & Americans are going to apy the price for that. Can Moore change that? I doubt it.

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