
J-town club uses punk rock to sell Jesus

The Jamm, a J-town club located in the Russian Compound is nothing more than a savvy way to recruit naive Jewish Israeli teens to accept Jesus as their savior.

It’s illegal to attempt to convert minors but according to the article, nothing is being done about The Jamm, which has been operating since 1998.


Article 368 of the Israeli Penal Code awards a maximum six-month incarceration for attempting to convert minors under the age of 18. Article 174(A) prohibits the offering and receiving of material benefits as an inducement to conversion of anyone, including those above and below the age of 18. Anyone who gives material benefits in exchange for a commitment to change one’s religion can be sentenced up to 5 years in prison and fined a maximum of NIS 50,000.

A volunteer for Yad L’Achim, an antimissionary organization went undercover to “investigate.”

“It was disgusting. The place is dedicated to making Israeli youth believe in Yeshua,” says Levinson, who disguised himself as a believer looking to make a video for fundraising purposes in America, in order to unveil the true philosophy behind The Jamm. “It’s not maybe yes, maybe no. It’s black and white. The best thing a believer can do is to make a non-believer believe in Christ. It’s an even bigger ‘mitzvah’ if they convert a Jew.”

Levinson reveals that two days after he handed the video over to the Jerusalem Police, he got a call from friends at The Jamm inquiring how the video got into the wrong hands. “I was shocked. Until now, I don’t know how they found out about the video so quickly.”

Well, considering the guy who runs the place is a former narcotics detective in the Jerusalem police it shouldn’t be a surprise to anyone how The Jamm got a hold of the tape. Is there something more nefarious at play? Perhaps. One concerned parent doesn’t candycoat her feelings.

“Perhaps Christians in America have a very big influence here, but unless we are willing to sacrifice our own Jewish kids for the donations and tourism money of Christians, our first obligation is to protect our own youth.”

Good point.

31 thoughts on “J-town club uses punk rock to sell Jesus

  1. What do you expect? Seems like you can’t spit in downtown Jerusalem anymore without hitting at least one evangelical Christian. Mind you, without them there would have been no tourism in Israel at all in the last 2 years. Consequently, I would suggest that anyone bothered by these individuals should plan a trip to Israel and encourage all their friends to go too.

  2. i have been to the jamm often and the only thing ive noticed there is loud heavy metal music and israelis in black t-shirts.

  3. ” JERUSALEM — The idea is supposed to make me tingle warmly: While I sit in my home here enjoying the Friday evening calm, thousands of Christian Coalition supporters will be gathering at the Ellipse in Washington to proclaim solidarity with Israel. According to pre-rally PR, my prime minister will speak by satellite hookup, pleased to have the backing of an American constituency more hawkish than most of his Israeli voters. At least some American Jews, including leaders who once wanted nothing to do with the Christian right, may point to the rally as proof of an important new political alliance. With Israel facing a danger to its existence — so they argue — Jews should welcome the help of a group that loudly proclaims its love for the Jewish state.”


  4. in other words the alliance with Evangelicals is not about tourism
    “In an effort to solidify its relationship with American evangelicals, the government of Israel has launched initiatives that include expense-paid trips to the Holy Land and strategy sessions with the Christian Coalition and other conservative groups.
    But Christian Zionism is about more than private belief. Its “anything for Israel” theology has the potential to affect U.S. foreign policy in the same way that the Christian right has influenced domestic issues through political pressure. ”


  5. If people really feel that Judaism has intrinsic and obvious value, then I’m not sure why Israel feels the need to enact laws banning other religions from prosletyzing.
    I think that if there was a desire for true religious freedom in Israel then they would not be afraid of Judaism being subjected to the “marketplace of ideas“, rather than trying to prevent the free exchange of religious opinion through supression of free speech and religious liberty

  6. Israel isn’t about true religious freedom. It’s a Jewish state that allows other religions to practice freely in ways that don’t interfere with everybody else. That ranges from proselytising Jewish youth to killing people not of your religion.
    The religion of Israel is Judaism, not Liberalism.

  7. “is there such a thing as a new idea?” is a plain yet surprisingly controversial question as is “where do ideas come from?” in addition to which “the ownership of ideas” often leads to fierce debate.
    To what extent is progression possible when freedom of expression and choice are determined by religious law and tradition?

  8. Progression, freedom of expression and choice is nearly infinitely possible in a Jewish state. And it’s not forbidden to place your Judaism first.
    It should only be limited when it becomes a danger to people and their children.
    You should be Jewish first, then liberal. With too much flaky talk about hypothetical freedoms, and progressive ideas, you will liberal yourself out of existence. Get real.

  9. the vast majority of Israelis are secular, so they don’t need you telling them “put your judaism first”

  10. They can be secular in Israel. They can also be secular in Europe. What kind of Jewish character do you envision in the Jewish State? And how would you protect that character, if at all?

  11. The point is that religious freedom doesn’t include trying to convert my kids. And trying to excuse them with “freedom of expression” is bullshit.

  12. Israel is no more a secular state than a religious one. There is no unanimously accepted ideal for a secular state. And it’s definitely not the will of the “vast majority.”
    Even the secular Jewish presence from a hundred years ago wouldn’t dream of having Christians hanging out with their kids with intent to convert.
    The Christians have plenty of freedom of expression. Except possibly in Beit Lechem.

  13. I think that if there was a desire for true religious freedom in Israel then they would not be afraid of Judaism being subjected to the “marketplace of ideas”, rather than trying to prevent the free exchange of religious opinion through supression of free speech and religious liberty
    This page describes the proselytizing situation as follows (below). What suppression do you allege?
    “A 1977 anti-proselytizing law prohibits any person from offering or receiving material benefits as an inducement to conversion; however, there have been no reports of the law’s enforcement. A bill that would have restricted proselytizing further was promulgated in 2000; however, similar bills did not reach a final vote in the past and local observers do not believe that this bill will be enacted. Christian and other evangelical groups asserted that the draft bills were discriminatory and served to intimidate Christian groups.
    Missionaries are allowed to proselytize, although the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (Mormons) voluntarily refrains from proselytizing under an agreement with the Government.
    There were no prosecutions of the over 120 cases of harassment filed by members of Jehovah’s Witnesses between 1998 and 2000. There were no complaints of harassment of members of Jehovah’s Witnesses during the period covered by this report.
    There were no reports of religious prisoners or detainees.”

  14. Velvel
    Actually, the question is based on my university degree dissertation for which I gained a 2:1.
    I studied fine art within the department of fashion and textiles at a University that shall remain nameless and my original question was as follows:
    To what extent is progression possible when arts and crafts are restricted by religious law and tradition.
    As for flaky liberalism, I checked with an orthodox rabbi before, during and after writing my dissertation. The structure and subject of the dissertation was arrived at after discussing the topic with my tutors.
    As for your insults, well, the same could be said of you.

  15. as much as we may dislike it, even jewish kids in israel are going to be exposed to xtian beliefs – and muslim (havet i read of several cases of jewish girls marrying muslim men from palestine, in some cases converting to mohammadism, sometimes being horribly treated but too embarrassed or too entrenched to attempt to return to their jewish friends/family). isnt the real problem that secular jews have so failed to teach their children their jewishness that kids are suseptable(sic) to xtian proseletyzers. and some of the fault surely lies on the part of the frum, who all to often treat the secular like enemies. wouldnt it be great if all jews, both religious and non, at least knew their religion and respected each other?

  16. avi green
    “Throughout history, it has been the inaction of those who could have acted, the indifference of those who should have known better, the silence of the voice of justice when it mattered most, that has made it possible for evil to triumph.” – Haile Selassie
    As far as I can see there are issues surrounding “reverie” and whether it is a sin to be proud of your own piousness.
    My grandfather was Catholic and my grandmother is Jewish. My mother went to great legnths to understand Judaism. Then commited suicide.
    I notice that my question, regardless of insults, remains
    unanswered. Please could I have an opinion on the following sites:

  17. ARGGGHHH … evangelical xtians drive me bonkers. i have a lot of friends here in the states who are like this, and they’re upset at my converstion to Judaism and want to ‘save me’ in the most indirect way possible … constantly questioning my reasoning.
    i think conversion is ridiculous, absolutely ridiculous. i can’t even EXPLAIN my feelings on it. and they’re tricky too. hella sneaky they are.

  18. Who cares about your dissertation or what kind of art you studied?
    As to your question, “To what extent is progression possible when freedom of expression and choice are determined by religious law and tradition?” –
    Progression is possible within the limits of the religious law. What’s wrong with that? There’s plenty of room considering the law of Israel leaves plenty of room past Orthodoxy.
    Are you talking about art or are you talking about proselytizing?
    If you want progress, look at what kind of art and science that’s been coming out of Israel. Then look at the rest of the world, concentrating on every Arab country.

  19. The arts and crafts debate, ideas and the effect of religious law and tradition on those ideas within an educational establishment is a standard question, to
    suggest that I belong to some far out political group
    based on my question is both wrong and arrogant considering that you know nothing about me. I simply
    explained my question and reasons for asking. I feel saddened that such an explanation should be necessary. You talk of children and the risk of conversion through exposure to popular culture and other religious groups. Jews don’t beleive in conversion or blind faith, its good to question things, right?
    I would like to make the point that extremist religious groups and anything deemed as too esoteric and “cultish” is quite frowned upon in educational establishments in my country.
    “If you want progress, look at what kind of art and science that’s been coming out of Israel. Then look at the rest of the world, concentrating on every Arab country.”
    It’s not a competition, and actually, yes, part of my research for my dissertation was spent looking at Iraeli(nationalist) jewish art and comparing it with Arab work. This, however, takes time.
    You may not care, I know for a fact that my post was/is relevant and am still aware that you haven’t answered my question or even given a discursive opinion on the research links I posted.
    Amanda, please do not feel that because you have read my question and checked out my links that you are in the position to tell me my political affiliation.
    Question and reason are direct ways to communicate,
    casting aspersions, slander and so forth are more akin to gossip.

  20. mas,
    i know many activists from yesh gvul and refuser solidarity network and worked with them in the past. great organizations. refuser solidarity network supports all refuser groups in Israel and organizes speaker tours in the US (I took part in some of them). Yesh gvul is the oldest of the refuser groups, started i think in the lebanon war and now supports all refusers.

  21. velvel
    My education and career prospects have been more damaged by negative commentary and bad career advice as a child than any chance meeting with a Catholic in a rock club.
    If you can’t follow that you must be thick, not my problem.

  22. Anyone else? Still no clue here. Each new comment sounds more obtuse then the last.
    Are you Israeli? What is your job? Why does is it affected by religious coercion? What is a “2:1”?

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