Culture, Global, Identity, Mishegas


AFP reports:
French police confirmed that a man arrested in connection with what was first believed to be an anti-Semitic arson attack on a Jewish social center a week ago was a Jewish man who had worked there. Police headquarters refused to identify the man taken into custody in connection with the August 22 attack, but investigators said the man had worked on occasion as a guard at the center, but that management wanted to fire him. […] Last month, a 23-year-old woman who claimed she had been the victim of a vicious anti-Semitic assault later admitted she had made up the entire incident, and was given a four-month suspended sentence for lying about it.”

17 thoughts on “Hoax-o-rama

  1. Yay! Thanks John! It’s such a relief to know that all the antisemitism is in our heads!
    Not yours, John. You always knew there was no such thing.

    Happens all the time for every kind of hate crime. Even, if they’re not despicable, dirty, not-as-good-as-John-Brown-wishes-he-was Jews.
    “Mounting financial losses led a Pakistani man to stage an arson at the Everett grocery he managed and then attempt to make it look like a hate crime, U.S. attorneys said yesterday in federal court.” – Seattle Times

  3. Actually I got accosted at the anti-war/anti-GOP parade yesterday by a crazy anti-Semitic lady because I was wearing a JATO t-shirt.
    She said didn’t believe that any Jews were against the occupation of Palestine, said she didn’t believe me..
    I wonder where she got that idea
    But the difference being – I didn’t make the story up in order to further “demographic” goals

  4. “But the difference being – I didn’t make the story up in order to further “demographic” goals”
    Huh? I don’t get it. Are you suggesting that this security guard or the crazy subway lady did what they did as a political act?
    BTW, using “Hoax” as in “Holocaust Hoax” etc., etc., is truly tasteless. But I’ll give you this, at least your consistently nauseating.

  5. JB,
    Your being hassled for wearing your JATO t-shirt should be a lesson to you. No matter how much you hate Israel and the Jews who love it, the anti-Jews won’t love you any more. Jew-haters don’t care which side you’re on. You’re a fucking Jew.

  6. Oh boy,
    How is being against the Occupation hating Israel and Jews? I’m against the occupation, but certainly don’t hate myself and my family, or Israel.
    I think JB used the word “Hoax,” because both of these instances were, in fact, HOAXES:
    Hoax (n): An act intended to deceive or trick.
    Lastly, why get angry at JB for posting this? Why not get angry at the JEWISH man who not only burned a JCC, but wrtoe ANTI-SEMITIC graffiti as part of his act. How is JB possibly worse than that?

  7. What “Jewish man”? It was a “man” working at the JCC. It wasn not a “Hoax”, rather, it was an act of vengance. And how do you know that this “man” didn’t commit this act with a heart full of hatred for Jews and/or Israel. Moreover, if you place the context of JB’s article with his other posts, his glee at criticsm towards Israel/Jews is blatantly obvious.
    And Velvel…I very much enjoy reading your posts 😉

  8. From the “Editor’s Note”:
    “Jewschool offers a wide array of opinions coming from a number of perspectives on Judaism and Zionism, all of which are equally valid and welcome in this forum, from the farthest Left to the farthest Right.”
    I believe that we, in the comment section, represent the “farthest Right.” Or moderates, if you don’t live in NYC.

  9. She said didn’t believe that any Jews were against the occupation of Palestine, said she didn’t believe me. I wonder where she got that idea

    From anti-Zionists’ success in misrepresenting Zionism as the occupation of Palestine.
    Actually I got accosted at the anti-war/anti-GOP parade yesterday by a crazy anti-Semitic lady because I was wearing a JATO t-shirt.
    I’m curious: why do you say she was antisemitic?

  10. Purrplegrrrl,
    How is being against the Occupation hating Israel and Jews? I’m against the occupation, but certainly don’t hate myself and my family, or Israel.
    Don’t worry — I don’t think anyone was suggesting that being against the Israeli occupation of Palestinian lands is hating Israel or Jews. Rather, I think people were reacting to Brown Babylonian’s MO as a member of the Jewschool blogteam…
    (I can’t bring myself to add the grandiloquent “the Occupation”, because it incorrectly implies that it’s the only or the most important military occupation in the world — which I can’t help but see as both racist and, well, ignorant.)
    Lastly, why get angry at JB for posting this?
    … in the sense that — unlike bloggers or, well, the idea of blogging — he rarely has any comment or analysis to offer, just a headline reposting service. So there isn’t much to go on except for the editorial selection he exercises. And, well, that selection policy is pretty consistent: headline reprints of stories that show Israel in the worst possible light.
    Why not get angry at the JEWISH man who not only burned a JCC, but wrtoe ANTI-SEMITIC graffiti as part of his act.
    Oh, believe me, folks are very angry at him. But that wasn’t really on the table here — it’s obvious to everyone who heard the story from all the mainstream news media that this guy fucked up; Jewschool readers are looking to engage with the unique commentary posted on Jewschool. And, so far, all there is to engage with is the stream of stereotypes re: Zionism that Brown Babylonian’s editorial process seems designed to reinforce.
    Too bad.
    How is JB possibly worse than that? It’s not. But I don’t think anyone suggested it was.

  11. “Anyone remember …”
    So do you know something we don’t? Every time you allude to something JB, you’re suggesting some Jew is behind a fishy headline, story, etc. How do you know that the “Islamic group” isn’t real? Or that is was a bunch of Muslims ceasing an opportunity? Why are you always so confident that Jew/Zionists are behind each of the “evil” plots you post on jewschool?
    You see JB, all I have to do is read editorials from Iran, Iraq, Syria, Egypt, France, South Africa, Canada, etc., to appreciate how great the anger towrads Israel, Israeli politicians…and then take a not so great leap and make conclusions about who is probably behind a JCC or Talmud Torah bombing.

  12. Anyone remember the phone call from someone claiming to represent an Islamic group that took credit for the arson?
    No — didn’t happen.
    You’re thinking of an Arabic-language statement posted on Islamist Web sites, I think.
    Try to get your facts straight.

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