
Fox goes grassroots to save David Cross' gig?

We at AJL magazine did a profile on Atlanta-native comedian/actor — and oddly named member of the tribe — David Cross in our last issue, and we especially focused on his stellar work on the stellar show “Arrested Development.” Much has been made since then about the peculiar reality that such a succesful and popular show is facing the possibility of cancellation.
Well, now Fox is pitching in to help out — but not by just granting the show another season. No, that would be too easy. Instead, the network that, ummm… has the power to keep the show alive, is asking us (the fans) to ummm… keep the show alive.
The NYTimes has a write-up on the odd little stunt, but let’s simplify it for you:
– Fox News has the power to re-up for another season, but they don’t do that.
– Instead they design GetArrested.com, a faux-grassroots petition site where you can take the “Arrested Development Loyalty Oath.”
– 54,000+ (as of this post) people go to said site and sign said oath.
– We still have to wait another month to find out if they’re going to bring the damn show back.
My head hurts, but if you’re still confused, hopefully this quote will help, courtesy of Fox spokesman Joe Earley: “Everyone is accustomed to fans rallying to save a show. We thought, what if we could find a way to take that energy and say to fans, ‘instead of complaining to us, find someone else to watch the show.'”

3 thoughts on “Fox goes grassroots to save David Cross' gig?

  1. Well, Fox did bring back Family Guy after they saw the DVD sales of the first three seasons. Though they really need to air “when you wish upon a Weinstein” as an apology to the creaters.
    I hope the whole Arrested publicity stunt works, and that they find a better time slot than 8:30.

  2. I have seen that family guy eposide numerous times on TBS and Cartoon Network. I thought Fox had shown it after all?

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