
Goyim Hate Us & Want To Kill Us! Give Us Your Money!

Taking a page from the ADL/Weisenthal playbook, Hillel uses fear of antisemitism to fundraise for the 2006 Winter cycle.

Not too long ago, the president of Iran called the Holocaust a myth and advocated the elimination of the State of Israel. Just the other day, the leader of Egypt’s Muslim Brotherhood denied that the Holocaust took place.
The world remains a dangerous place and Jewish students need the tools to fight for their community — for our community. It is more important than ever that we teach young Jews the importance of the State of Israel and enable them to share their commitment with others.
That is one reason why in the next few days Hillel will be sending 400 student activists to Israel to participate in leadership missions, where they will learn how to defend against such lies and advocate effectively for Israel.
And later this winter, Hillel’s Taglit-birthright Israel program will send more than 2,000 students on their first peer trip to Israel to introduce them to their rich heritage. Through these trips, many students have developed a love for Israel and a stronger connection to the Jewish people.
As you consider your year-end gifts, I hope you will think of these recent antagonistic statements made by these public figures — and the important work Hillel is doing to ensure that the next generation has the knowledge and power to combat such hatred.
We hope to be able to impact even more Jewish students in 2006, but need your help to do so. Please consider making a gift now to help Hillel provide more of these programs and to build a stronger Jewish future.
Thank you and best wishes for a Happy Chanukah.
Avraham Infeld
International President, Hillel: The Foundation for Jewish Campus Life

Chas v’chalilah you should fundraise on the merits of what you do for Jewish students on campus.

19 thoughts on “Goyim Hate Us & Want To Kill Us! Give Us Your Money!

  1. Unlike those loopy ADL mailings I used to get, wherein it seemed every year anti-Semitism was rising by 15% (quick math made it clear that I should have been dead seven times over at those rates), the Hillel statement seems accurate and unobjectionable. Why shouldn’t Hillel emphasize what it does for the entire Jewish community? And what’s wrong with using fear when the causes of fear are accurately portrayed?

  2. “idiots running their mouths off and looking stupid in front of everyone?”
    Right, like talkative idiots heading oppressive regimes and in command of significant military power ever became threats. Everyone knows that threats come from meek leaders of democracies with little military capacity, right? 😉
    Well, except for .
    Spamblock: Chanukah!

  3. I’m truly stunned by that reply. Maybe I’ll respond like this-
    “i do respect freedom of speech and do demand it in israel, but hate speech intended to incite violence against individuals and groups (ethnic, cultural) seems to cross a line from being free speech into being oppressive speech.”
    No points for identifying the author of that. If hate speech so disturbs you that you’re willing to curtail freedom of speech in a free country, you shouldn’t have a problem with Hillel raising funds on a promise to continue combatting hate speech.
    And as far as looking stupid in front of everyone, you know better than that. The people these psychos are actually addressing do not at all think they look stupid.

  4. J,
    Infeld writes: “”As you consider your year-end gifts, I hope you will think of these recent antagonistic statements made by these public figures — and the important work Hillel is doing to ensure that the next generation has the knowledge and power to combat such hatred.”
    We’re in a truly sad state of affairs if, without Hillel’s help, new generations of Jews will believe that Islamic fascist Holocaust deniers are telling the truth.
    It’s objectionable to raise money this way.

  5. Anon-
    I think you misread the statement. The words “such hatred” reasonably include not only the specific Holocaust-denying statements, but all the lies and misinformation about Jews and Israel that have been spewing from the Middle East.

  6. If hate speech so disturbs you that you’re willing to curtail freedom of speech in a free country, you shouldn’t have a problem with Hillel raising funds on a promise to continue combatting hate speech.
    how do you combat hate speech in a country you have no legislative power in? how do you combat hate speech in a country already under economic sanctions? how do you combat hate speech in a country that accuses you of trying to censor your opponents, thereby proving them right?
    also, i’m not willing to curtail freedom of speech. i’m willing to say it’s acceptable to provide consequences for making specific statements that incite hatred and violence. you have the freedom to make such statements, but you do so knowing there are consequences. no one should prevent anyone else from speaking freely, but they can hold them accountable for their words.
    The people these psychos are actually addressing do not at all think they look stupid.
    hillel’s statement says hillel students “will learn how to defend against such lies and advocate effectively for Israel.” to who? the muslims they can’t even speak to? or to the people who already think these guy’s are out of their fuckin’ gourds?
    further, the majority of iranians think ahmadinejad is a nut. they’re not buying his shtick. however, when israel makes overtures towards invading and bombing iran, you can bet the iranian street starts perking up…

  7. The religion of today’s secular organizations is not Judaism, but “fighting anti-semitism.”
    It is Avodah Zorah, but since no one cares about that, at least we should merge them all into one organization so that we have an ecomomies of scale.
    Then we can worship our god of F.A.S. (Fighting Anti-Semitism) with one payment of membership dues.

  8. Mobius says
    “how do you combat hate speech in a country you have no legislative power in? how do you combat hate speech in a country already under economic sanctions? how do you combat hate speech in a country that accuses you of trying to censor your opponents, thereby proving them right?”
    You do it by (1) insuring that American Jews are knowledgeable enough to see through the propaganda (not only strictly “hate speech”, but also false accusations against Israel) and (2) having American Jews advocate their positions to the American public, which is largely sympathetic to Israel’s cause, but understandably doesn’t thoroughly understand the conflict and is thus susceptible to the more subtle forms of propaganda. (There are also some, but much fewer, sympathetic ears in Europe it may pay to try to reach.) The USA has been doing a good job of holding the butchers in check (and defeating them) for over 60 years now.
    “also, i’m not willing to curtail freedom of speech. i’m willing to say it’s acceptable to provide consequences for making specific statements that incite hatred and violence. you have the freedom to make such statements, but you do so knowing there are consequences. no one should prevent anyone else from speaking freely, but they can hold them accountable for their words. ”
    Suddenly you’re playing coy. Tell me, what are these “consequences”? If they include fines and imprisonment, you sure as hell are preventing free speech. If they are merely public disapproval, why didn’t you say so?
    But let’s hear it for Subliminal. Just saw him on Saturday night.
    And DK, just about anything can be turned into Avodah Zarah, including Holocaust remembrance and support of Israel. But in proper proportion, these things are good and necessary. Unlike the ADL (sometimes), Hillel’s pitch seems legitimate and proportional. I probably have as many problems with the secular organizations as you do, but let’s not slam them when they do the right thing.
    Spamblock word: hookers! Not fair.

  9. “flatly denounced by the international community” LOl WeLL hooray Israelis can now sleep safely. All those long range missles with the “target Tel Aviv ” signs on them are now deactivated by “flat denunciations”. Who needs the Arrow missile system when we got “flat denunciations” By the way wasnt Kristalnacht “flatly denounced” and wasnt Hitler an “idiot shooting his mouth off”?

  10. ‘The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.’ – Edmund Burke
    I am continually appalled and saddened in equal measure at just how ignorant the average Jewish university student it as regards world politics, Israel, Jewish histroy, et al. I’m going to have to agree with J on this one and agree that Hillel’s pitch seems legitimate and proportional. The world looks an awful lot different from where I’m sitting in the UK, and I feel strongly that Islamic fascism represents a very real and present danger. Better that our young people are educated about this issue and how to respond responsibly (and that includes teaching them critical analysis so they can discern the real from the rhetoric) than not.

  11. Pay attention brothers! Ignoring anti-semitism is DANGEROUS and ignoring signs that the enemy is preparing to destroy our homeland is plain stupidity. It is easy to see that a problem does not just disappear if you don’t look at it. Looking into history we know that Hitler was writing and ranting about his hatred of the Jewish people long before the atrocities started. Being vigilant, being prepared, and not backing down one inch are the only defense against the forces which stand ready to destroy our great and holy land of Israel. You fool yourself if you believe there is not a will and a plan to destroy Israel. Those who are Jewish and say “Who cares?” are just self-hating Jews who want to help bring about the destruction of the Jewish soul. I bet that there are people who call themselves Jews here who care less about the collective soul of their people. Only Hashem will bring you home when you are ready.
    They want to kill US, they are planning and plotting to kill us. Dont stand idly by as your brothers blood is spilt.
    Michael U

  12. >iran? “significant military power”?
    >”If the Israel army wanted to occupy something, we would occupy >the whole Middle East in 48 hours.” — subliminal
    >mobius • 12/28/05 01:55pm
    Sorry Mobius, I’m not swayed by the military analysis (more like hyperbole) of an Israeli musician. 🙂
    Iran might not have technical superiority over the IDF, but what it lacks there it makes up for in energy reserves and size. Iran would not fall as easily as Afghanistan or Iraq.
    Also, your statement about the majority of Iranians thinking that Ahmadinejad is a nut, yet the majority of them getting riled up by Israel threatening to retaliate leads to one of two explanations: either the majority of Iranians are idiots who cannot see the cause & effect of what Ahmadinejad is saying, or the Iranian public is being fed propaganda by the regime to justify Ahmadinejad’s hate speech.
    Here’s a little bit of history of Iran’s connections with the Nazis, courtesy of the JTA:

    Apparently, the Shah of Persia in the 1930’s liked Hitler’s philosophies so much that he renamed his country to the Farsi word for ‘Aryan’: IRAN.
    Spamblock: Hanukka!

  13. Taltman,
    “Iran would not fall as easily as Afghanistan or Iraq.”
    Um, Iraq hasn’t yet fallen.
    Re. your “two explanations”: There’s a third, more logical explanation: They see their leader as a nut but will rally for their country, regardless of who their leader is, if they believe their territorial sovereignty and world-power ambitions are being infringed upon by an Israeli strike. That’s just human nature, especially when we’re talking about a proud people, as Iranians are.

  14. EV wrote: “Um, Iraq hasn’t yet fallen.”
    Iraq has no standing army in opposition to US forces. They have an insurgency, which, by definition, has to mean you are trying to oust a foreign force in control of the country. If you are setting such a high standard, then Afghanistan hasn’t fallen, either.
    EV wrote: “That’s just human nature, especially when we’re talking about a proud people, as Iranians are.”
    That’s true. But you’re side-stepping the disconnect. What, proud Iranians are unable to understand cause & effect? As Mobius stated, their leader was roundly denounced as hateful/racist by the international community. The Iranian people should understand that this is a problem that might lead to consequences, no? Your third explanation fails to explain this duality without any proposed mechanism, thereby devoid of logic. Also, Israel made no statements of its retaliatory capability until Ahmadinejad released his “Iranian Idiot” album.
    I wonder if the Iranian people are still proud of their national history of collaboration with the Nazis? Evidently not, they still like their Aryan name over that of ancient ‘Persia’.

  15. It’s not a duality. National pride is a greater cohesive force than internal disputes. I’m not excusing it, just explaining why they’d rally if they were attacked.

  16. This whole debate about anti-semitism misses the point. Yes, combat anti-semitism, but not via hillel. Hillel is a group that should be working to build vibrant, meaningful, and diverse Jewish communities on campus, which can provide positive experiences for college age Jews. Given the diversity of that population the students will have a variety of perspectives on Israel and anti-semitism. We should not be “training” them to speak a single party line, we should be providing them all with outlets to explore these issues in mature intellectual ways (this is college we are talking about). As a former Hillel professional I can tell you that lots of great stuff is happening on campus communities all over america (and the world). However, reading this letter doesn’t indicate any of that, but rather crudely bangs on the “survivalism” button that post-holocaust Jewish orgs love so much.

  17. I hope people keep giving money to Hillel. I do. Whether we like it or not, many campuses have become viper nests for people who attack not only Israel but also Jews. Sure, they differentiate between those whom they consider “good” Jews (those who attack Israel and its supporters) and “bad” Jews (those who support Israel), but ultimately you often find the lines blurred between political criticism of Israel and antisemitism. It helps to have a group on campuses that provides a sense of community and strength to the Jewish students on campus. Most of these Hillel groups emphasize Jewish culture, faith and related activities, but it’s hard to avoid the fact that every campus now has a number of groups attacking students who dare raise their heads in support of Israel and some Hillels have had to adjust by adding additional programs or elements to what they do. Also, whether we like it or not, one of the critical problems is a lack of information and knowledge. We have all seen the Leftist activist on campus together with the pro-Palestinian activist as they attack Israel and its supporters. The only way to counter these attacks is to know enough to debate knowledgeably. Trips to Israel and programming that educates does not mean that you end up with a “party line,” but rather that you have the tools to know whether what is being said is true, false or in the middle somewhere. It allows you do debate the subject as well.
    I see nothing wrong with the letter. On the contrary. Send money to Hillel.

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