
Roger Waters moves concert to Neve Shalom / Wahat al Salaam

Ha’aretz reports:

Roger Waters, cofounder of Pink Floyd, has decided to relocate his Tel Aviv performance this summer in an expression of support for coexistence in Israel.

The concert was set to take place at Hayarkon Park in Tel Aviv on June 22, and has been moved to Neveh Shalom*, a Jewish-Arab town next to Latrun.

Waters has expressed his opposition to the separation fence, but was subject to heavy criticism by Palestinians after he announced he was to perform in Israel.

Following conversations with spiritual leaders and Palestinian and Israel activists, Waters announced that the show would be moved to show solidarity with Israeli and Palestinian ‘voices of reason’ that are pursuing a nonviolent path to peace.

full story
* (ne-vé shal-om / waah-at i-sal-aam: Hebrew and Arabic for Oasis of Peace [Isaiah 32:18]): A village in Israel established jointly by Jews and Palestinian Arabs of Israeli citizenship and engaged in educational work for peace, equality and understanding between the two peoples.

3 thoughts on “Roger Waters moves concert to Neve Shalom / Wahat al Salaam

  1. Hamas, Al Aqsa, Islamic Jihad, et al. will certainly be impressed that the concert venue has been changed to Neve Shalom. Now they are sure to rethink their strategy.

  2. And Roger Water’s music? I do like his music, but, for Peace? Jeez. More like mass suicide. I’m beginning to see a pattern..

  3. I Just saw Roger Waters AKA: Pink Floyd in Phoenix, AZ.
    Awesome show! No opening act and he played nearly 3 hours!
    The only thing I dispised was that he just HAD to inject his
    political OPINIONS into it. Since the majority of the crowd
    was in support of his OPINIONS, that went over well.
    Lets just take this a hypothetical step further.
    Suppose Mr. Waters took the other side of the coin,
    woulden’t thousands have been pissed that he took
    that time to do so? Especially considering the high cost of
    concert tickets thesedays? Just a hypothetical question.
    We are there to rock and be entertained, not be fed propoganda
    from whatever side it comes from. Lastly, the Flying Pig that
    had Bush’s name on it’s anus didn’t include Hamas, Hesbollah,
    or Al Quaida ANYWHERE on that flying pig. Whats up with that?
    Not all Jews and rocking Americans appreciate anti-semetic/patriotic
    symbology and/or remarks during shows that we pay alot for. Again,
    just another opinion entitled by our 1st Ammendment same as opinions
    injected by the legendary talent whom I worshipped in Phoenix on
    October 3rd, 2006.

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