
It's good for the Jews

Obama reads talmud
I’m just saying that so I can have an excuse for posting this….A new president. Congratulations, President Obama.
I’m proud to be an American today.
I’ll leave the analysis and the Jewish angle at length for someone else, or later, or something. For now, I’m just going to be proud of my country for coming through.
*Image from BangItOut, because I couldn’t have said it better myself.

7 thoughts on “It's good for the Jews

  1. Will you be as proud when the White House Dinner guests are Ahmadinejad and Chavez with a nice photo op at the Rose garden? As they say in H’wood, “Nice idea, so where are you going with this?”
    Stay tuned…

  2. sarah- that’s ridiculous. No one ever said that leaders of the like of Ahmedinejad will be invited to the White House, but way to use half-truths to spread misinformation. Also, since when is a populist socialist in the likes of Chavez the same as Ahmedinejad?
    When a person says that negotiations are possible, it doesn’t mean what you’re saying it means. Plus, it seems to me that the pride one could feel in the aftermath of such a historic election has to do with race relations in America, and how 200 years ago someone like Mr. Obama would have likely been in shackles, that 50 years ago, some like Mr. Obama would have likely been be barred from climbing the heights he climbed. That even 10 years ago would have been far from able to run a successful presidential campaign. Some things transcend politics and strike the heart of human emotion, hence, I too am proud to be an American today.

  3. Will you be as proud when the White House Dinner guests are Ahmadinejad and Chavez with a nice photo op at the Rose garden?
    Fuck yeah!!! Now that the campaign is over, we Obama supporters can stop hiding and can be open about our real ambition to turn America into a Marxist sharia state. AHMADINEJAD FOR SECRETARY OF STATE!

  4. B Bar Navi – What are you implying about BTs? There are many BT’s out there who can probably whup you in Gemara.

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