Culture, Religion

Tam Tam Conspiracy Deepens


Though we’ve been assured by Manichewitz that there will be more than enough Tam Tams to go around this year, I confess I was alarmed when I saw this strange new packaging that now reads: “Passover Crackers.” Even more cryptically, the crackers are described as “Lightly Salted Tam Tams.”
Passover CRACKERS?!! Tam Tams are now a mere qualifier to “Passover Crackers?” What exactly is going on here? Call me a conspiracy theorist, but I think there’s something very wrong going on at Manichewitz. Until we receive some kind of explanation, I’d say it’s highly premature to declare an official end to the Tam Tam crisis.
(That’s my super sleuth dog Miles above, attempting to get to the bottom of this latest Pesach mystery…)

2 thoughts on “Tam Tam Conspiracy Deepens

  1. that’s just manischewitz trying to control its brand and prevent genericide! if we all refer to them as the noun “tam-tams,” then other companies can start making their own tam-tams and it becomes the genetric word for little matzah crackers. if they’re “tam-tam crackers,” like “lifesaver candies” or “walkman personal steros” or “ipod mp3 players,” then the company has an easier time protecting its mark.

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