Culture, Religion

Jewish Calligraphy for total, total, beginners

Mizrach…how to make pretties like this!
Background here is I’m going to Montreal this weekend to meet my current Torah shul (Dorshei Emet), write the first bit of Bereshit with them, and a few other things, one of which is a workshop where we shall use Easy Calligraphy to create mizrachim, thingummies you put on the wall to indicate in which direction lies Jerusalem. And I just did a set of worksheets, which I am sharing here for those who can’t be in Montreal this Sunday. Here you are.
Hebrew calligraphy worksheet Hebrew calligraphy worksheet
They’re 8.5*11″ jpgs because it’s half an hour before Shabbat and I don’t feel like fiddling about converting them into pdfs or web pages or whatever. Clicky for the full-size versions. Send me a pic if you make something pretty, it makes me happy.


2 thoughts on “Jewish Calligraphy for total, total, beginners

  1. This is awesome. I got a book on Hebrew calligraphy months ago, but it’s difficult to control the pen. I can draw, so that is not the problem – it’s hard to get the correct angle/line – takes practice, eh? Also, the book I have doesn’t show all the characters, only parts of characters – it was hard to extrapolate. At one point I just started making Hebrew characters with Adobe Illustrator, but it is not the same as a pen. I’m gonna give it another whirl! These are great pics, by the way. Go, you!

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