Culture, Israel

Lincolin: A real Leadeler

You can buy all kinds of tacky t-shirts on the side of the street or in the markets in Israel. For example, as American oleh comedy blogger Benji Lovitt points out:

“IDF: My Job is So Secret, I Don’t Even Know What I’m Doing!”
“Don’t Worry, America, Israel is Behind You”
And of course, rock bands which reached their peak twenty years ago.

Lovitt has a bold plan to combat this sartorial foolishness. Today, he unveiled at his blog, What War Zone?, a new line of tacky Israel shirts.
My favorite of Lovitt’s new shirts:

Check out the rest of the line here.

9 thoughts on “Lincolin: A real Leadeler

  1. Used to be a jewschool cafepress shop with images dan designed. I just went to search for it, but could not find it.

  2. I think some Ramah people were offended by the “Ramah girls are easy/and the bush was consumed.” But that was easily the most clever pun on the Conservative movement I’ve ever seen.

    1. arie writes:
      But that was easily the most clever pun on the Conservative movement I’ve ever seen.
      My favorite is “This puts the erva in Conservative.”

    1. There’s a street in Jerusalem named after the 16th president of the United States, spelled with two lameds (corresponding to the two L’s in his name), and both lameds are pronounced.

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