
Mishegaas, Misc.


  • A Nazi group in Colorado has adopted part of the state highway. A spokesman for the group says the group is “doing good things.”
  • Be’col Lashon is taking nominations for its “Excellence in Reporting on Global Judaism” media awards. Winners are awarded $1000.
  • “Seven rabbis traveled to Washington, D.C., Tuesday seeking a remedy for what they say is overly harsh and unjust treatment of Sholom Rubashkin, the former Agriprocessors executive convicted of fraud at the kosher meat packing plant, which filed for bankruptcy protection in 2008.” Pardon me while I throw up a little in my mouth. Story here.
  • A big conference on Jewish day schools “confronts the new reality.”
  • Maharat no more! Sara Hurwitz takes on the title of Rabba (ie, the feminine construction of the Hebrew word “rabbi”.) And this rabbi says: About damn time.

19 thoughts on “Mishegaas, Misc.

  1. It’s not the feminine construction of the word “rabbi,” it’s the feminine construction of the word “rav.” I suppose the feminization of “Rabbi” would be “Rabbati.”

  2. I’m thrilled for Sara and the whole Jewish people. However, I wonder whether this is the time to be so exact with Hebrew/Aramaic grammar. I still think it will do her a disservice to be called anything but Rabbi. Some readers of Jewschool might appreciate that this is just a grammatical issue, not one of honor or rank, but the vast majority of Jews and non-Jews have no knowledge of this and will still be confused. She is going to spend unfortunate amounts of time answering the question “What is a Rabba?” To which she will respond, I’m a “Rabbi”, though there will still be some disconnect in people’s mind since the title they are familiar with is not the one she has. They should really just call her rabbi and spare her a lifetime of having to explain herself. Should she ever be called up to the Torah, that would be the time to pull out the grammar and call her HaRabba Sara…
    But, really, I am very happy for her.

  3. Yet, Rabba feels/sounds more natural to me than Rabbati does. As someone with no right to announce what he thinks liberal woman rabbis should do, I wouldn’t be opposed to Reform etc. woman rabbis adopting the use of the title as well.
    *cringes, hoping that a giant can of worms didn’t just spring open*

  4. Regardless of what title she uses in Hebrew/Aramaic (e.g., as Pete said, when being called to the Torah), “rabbi” is an English word, and “rabba”/”rabbati”/etc. aren’t.

  5. let me clarify. I was being facetious… I’m saying that if someone demands to be recognized as great, well that’s chutzpah. and that goes for men, women, and superman (although i don’t think clark kent named himself superman). If the title of Rabbah is bestowed upon her then kol hakavod.

  6. oren’s point is that the word רבה (Rabbah) is the Hebrew word for “great.” It does go to say, since she’s making up a word anyways, why not pick one that doesn’t translate to “great”? Plus, wouldn’t it be Rabbanit?

  7. The only reason Rabbah means great is because Rav already means great. They’re the same word, like “gadol” and “gedolah”, “ayef” and “ayefa”.

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