
Mishegas: Kim Kardashian on Gaza, Maccabeats resurrected, and a Jewish slang dictionary

One thought on “Mishegas: Kim Kardashian on Gaza, Maccabeats resurrected, and a Jewish slang dictionary

  1. Check the crosstabs.
    Under 40’s were less likely to vote for Obama than over 40’s (is there any other group for which that was true? I doubt it).
    The Orthodox (the fastest growing group) are the least pro-Obama.
    The JStreet website post doesn’t mention it , but the 70% is not only down from 4 years ago, its down by more than the general electorate is down from 4 years ago.
    Proving my point:
    (shows that in NYC Romney almost certainly won the Ortho vote-contrary to JStreet)
    Jews aren’t Republicans-but Jews are becoming Republicans. And fortunately you’ll probably be around for the historic crossover election.
    Herbert Hoover (of all people) was the last Republican to win the Black vote. Wonder who will be the last Dem to win the Jewish vote?

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