Rabbi Michael Rothbaum is the rabbi of Congregation Beth Elohim in Acton, MA. He lives in Maynard with his husband, Yiddish singer Anthony Mordechai Tzvi
How can we broading the Channukah story and learn about other ways to respond to oppression besides the violent resistance of the Maccabees?
How a radical Jewish calendar helps us live out the Judaism we want to see: one of resistance, justice, celebration, and healing.
Jews are suffering. Jews have suffered. Jews will suffer. This is not the full story. Nor is it the only story. But on Tisha b’Av, this is our primary story.
As we fight for justice, how do we cultivate Caleb and Yehoshua’s willingness to fight for the unknown in a hostile climate?
Rabbinical student Laura Bellows on why sometimes Resistance *is* revelation — and how we can turn to our ancestors for wisdom and guidance for both.
On May 22nd, protests in Tel Aviv and Jerusalem will “welcome” President Trump to Israel — organized by Pantsuit Nation Israel, Green Course, and Democrats Abroad-Israel.
Living in perilous times has the potential to ignite great fires within us that shed light on paths of transformation, regeneration, and collective liberation…we must also remember that the same strength of ideological conviction required to light these fires of change can also burn those who have the potential to be our allies by our side who may not share the exact same language, methodology, or approach to change.
A break from labor, even the labor of social change, may be as radical as the work itself. Shabbat elevates to new importance in the Trump era.
How can we resist our tendencies to self-protectively label those who do not share our values as bigots, ignoramuses and miscreants?