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Richard Goldstone and family pressured to be absent from grandson's bar mitzvah service

A shonde of infinite proportions. I was in disbelief when I heard of this and sure enough it’s factual and true. Richard Goldstone, the author of the ‘Goldstone Report’ on the war in Gaza has been pressured by South African Zionist organizations to not attend his own grandson’s bar mitzvah service because they have threatened to protest.
JTA reports: (I found a link here, but I’m sure there’s more)

Jewish groups, including the South African Zionist Federation, had planned to organize a protest outside the synagogue if Goldstone was in attendance, according to reports.
Rabbi Moshe Kurtstag, who heads the South African Beth Din, or religious court, said he was not involved in the negotiations, but he lauded the outcome. “People have got feelings about it, they believe he put Israel in danger and they wouldn’t like him to be getting honor,” he said.
Reached in Washington, where he is now based, Goldstone was reluctant to comment, but did say that “In the interests of my grandson, I’ve decided not to attend the ceremony at the synagogue.”
Arthur Chaskalson, a retired chief justice of South Africa, said it was “disgraceful” to put pressure on a grandfather not to attend his grandson’s bar mitzvah.
“If it is correct that this has the blessing of the leadership of the Jewish community in South Africa, it reflects on them rather than Judge Goldstone,” Chaskalson said. “They should hang their heads in shame.”

Seriously. What a shonde. They should hang their head in shame, and it’s equally shameful that the rabbi didn’t say as much. When a rabbi agrees that a person should not be in attendance at their grandchild’s bat/bar mitzvah and all because of politics, well, from here it seems that sinat hinam is reaching dangerous levels. Shame on them.

18 thoughts on “Richard Goldstone and family pressured to be absent from grandson's bar mitzvah service

  1. Gary Ackerman, sometimes pro-peace ally, sometimes AIPAC posterchild, excoriated the South African group. Hat tip to Ron Kampeas for posting this to JTA also:

    April 15, 2010
    Mr. Avrom Krengel
    South Africa Zionist Federation
    Johannesburg, South Africa
    Dear Mr. Krengel:
    As an unapologetic critic of the Goldstone report, and of Judge Richard Goldstone’s badly warped perspective on Israel’s right to defend itself, I am appalled and utterly disgusted by reports that Judge Goldstone will not be able to attend the bar mitzvah of his grandson due to protest threats by Jewish groups in South Africa.
    There is absolutely no justification or excuse for carrying legitimate opposition and criticism of Judge Goldstone’s (wretched) professional work into the halls of his family’s synagogue, much less the celebration of a 13 year-old Jewish boy’s ritual acceptance of responsible membership in the Jewish community.
    In response to this outrage, according to the Jewish Telegraph Agency, you said “We understand that there’s a bar mitzvah boy involved – we’re very sensitive to the issues and at this stage there’s nothing further to say.”
    Actually, there’s rather a great deal more to say.
    I take a back seat to no one in strenuous opposition to Judge Goldstone’s critique of Israel’s actions in Gaza during Operation Cast Lead. But there is no excuse for what has been reported if it is true. Compelling Judge Goldstone to absent himself from his grandson’s bar mitzvah offends me as a believer in civil discourse and the power of debate and argument; it offends me as a believer in the fundamental human right to freedom of worship and belief; it offends me as a defender of the Jewish state and the Jewish people; it offends me as the president of the International Council of Jewish Parliamentarians; and it offends me personally as a Jew and a Jewish grandfather.
    People are entitled to their views about Judge Goldstone, and mine is that he failed massively and consequentially when it came to his very shoddy work regarding the legal implications of the defensive operation in Gaza in December 2008. But there is no entitlement to vent justifiable anger about his work at either his community or his family, much less an innocent child.
    Doing so is an abysmal moral failure, a disgrace deserving the fullest condemnation by every friend of human freedom and all those who love the Jewish people and the State of Israel.
    House Subcommittee on the
    Middle East and South Asia

  2. Goldstone is a disgrace. How many Jewish children won’t have a bar mitzvah because his actions sanctioned their martyrdom? If he wanted to be part of the Jewish community then he wouldn’t have taken a shit all over it, endangering Jewish life for his own aggrandizement, and to the glee of our enemies. To most Jews, he has become like Naturei Karta, to be kicked in the family jewels on sight. Until the day he does teshuvah, he is a disgrace of highest magnitude, and should be reminded of it at every opportunity. Chhrrt… t’foo.

  3. and what of the teshuvah of all of those who have supported, actively or passively, explicitly or implicitly, a violent, ugly, grotesque, racist, elitist occupation which has wreaked havoc on an entire people? what of the teshuvah of the individuals who have forsaken their religion for the sake of political sway and military prowess? what of the teshuvah for the hubris and hatred which cause grown men and women to disrupt the lifecycle event of an innocent child? what of the teshuvah for funneling billions of dollars into another nation’s propaganda campaign which could have gone to education, social welfare or infrastructure?
    tokhaha is a tricky matter…

  4. the tyranny of “akheydus” is inescapable even in the golus. the ny times made a reference to a “threat of violence” in the blurb that comes up when you post articels to fb.

  5. The kid’s parents wanted to they could have had a private bar mitzvah with zaidye. No Bet Din judgement, no rabbi need be present, just 1 Torah, 1 Shabbat morning, 10 adult male Jews and wine
    The fact that this wan’t even considered by the kid’s parents indicates to me a bit more is involved. Family issues?

  6. Justin, I agree completely. End the occupation. Annex Yesha.
    Yosh. Gaza is gone.
    It just seems like it’s too late already. Our disastrously mistaken policies in the territories will cost us the entire Zionist project.

  7. “Our disastrously mistaken policies in the territories will cost us the entire Zionist project.”
    will? or has?

  8. Jonathan1, didn’t you hear, Fayaad and his private army will establish a state by 2011 whether the Palestinians want one or not. He even welcomes the Jewish villages in Yesha to remain. Everything will be fine. Try some anti-depressants.

  9. He even welcomes the Jewish villages in Yesha to remain.
    They say it themselves: The state means nothing to them. Zionism means nothing to them. Respecting other Jews–their “brothers”–means nothing to them. The Palestinians mean nothing to them. The Jewish sources that speak of justice mean nothing to them. Nothing . . . . all that matters is holding on to every piece of dirt in Yehuda and Shomron. If their dream is to live in a Palestinian state, then be my guest.
    Try some anti-depressants
    I need some.

  10. They say it themselves: The state means nothing to them. Zionism means nothing to them. Respecting other Jews–their “brothers”–means nothing to them. The Palestinians mean nothing to them. The Jewish sources that speak of justice mean nothing to them. Nothing . . . .
    That’s what they say about you. Almost the same phrasing, too.

  11. That’s what they say about you. Almost the same phrasing, too
    Right. We just have different understandings of what these concepts mean.

  12. After Lebanon and Gaza, I find them more convincing.
    Really? You think we’d be better off if we were to take back the “security zone” in Lebanon and to rebuild the Gaza communities?

  13. That’s right, after Lebanon and Gaza, I think the crazy lunatic settlers have more sense than you when they say the minute they’re gone, the Arab guns will bear down on the rest of Israel.
    Hey, I’m sitting comfy in America. You’ll be the one under rocket fire from where Elkanah once stood, pleading for the world to allow you to defend your family. But I don’t understand very much about the world. You’re smart and can think clearly, what with ten years of terror war impacting your choice to get on public transport and whatnot.

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