And another poll proves that…
JTA reports about a poll conducted by B’nai B’rith’s Jerusalem-based World Center and carried out by Keevoon.
Asked to choose between one of two statements, 54 percent of respondents – statistically half – said that “Jewish organizations that advocate before foreign governments and identify themselves as pro-Israel should always support the policies of the current Israeli government,” according to the survey published Tuesday.
Further on “[T]he poll also found that a majority – 55 percent to 36 percent – agreed that a two-state solution is “essential to Israel’s survival as a national home of the Jewish people as a vibrant democracy.” A plurality, 48 percent to 41 percent, agreed that “it is essential that the European Union, along with the United States, put pressure on both parties and help them achieve a reasonable and rapid solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.”
The only logical conclusion to be drawn is that a majority of Israelis believe that the proper way to go is not the path followed by the current government. However, they are not in any hurry to elect a different government nor do they want anybody else doing anything to tell them that they should be electing a different government or pursuing different policies. So being pro-Israel for the majority of Israelis is being the guy in the front seat pouring more drinks for the driver of the car as he heads toward the cliff.
How could you misread this so terribly? Israelis have elected governments for 20 years with the sole aim of a final peace agreement. Netanyahu ripped the guts out of Likud in the 90s until its platform accepted Oslo. There is no “anti-peace” party in the Israeli government. Even Yisrael Beteinu’s platform advocates a two state solutions.
What you don’t seem to get is that Israelis are pro peace, pro two states, but NOT AT ANY COST! Not at the cost of war being launched at them every 3 years, from territory they evacuated in support of that mythical “peace process”.
What pressure, pray tell is the PA under these days to make peace with Israel? They have a blank check from the US and EU amounting to billions in foreign aid. The Americans have adopted Palestinian final status demands as a prerequisite for negotiations. A private army is being built for them. Have they budged an INCH towards peace? They won’t even engage in direct negotiations!
You’re just so off the wall in your analysis, it’s ridiculous.
Anonymouse- the problem with many Israelis, who obviously want peace (no one wants constant war- many people think war and fighting can solve problems, though), is exactly what you said “NOT AT ANY COST.” But while I believe you mean “not at all costs,” unfortunately, I think you are right that some don’t want it at “any cost”- i.e. are unwilling to make sacrifices for peace. You claim that the Palestinians have no incentives to make peace because of all that they get. I’ve never lived in the territories, and in fact have only visited a few times in my army service- but it seems that the Palestinians have quite a bit to gain from peace and independence. Israelis, on the other hand, have only an abstract promise of not needing as strong of an army (which we may still need)- considering the drop in terrorism in past years (no doubt a product, among other things, of successful security steps that Israel has taken). What does a typical Israeli living in Be’er Sheva, Tel Aviv, Jerusalem, Haifa etc have to gain from the creation of an independent Palestinian state? If Israelis knew the answer, I’m sure many would more vigorously pursue a two-state solution.
the problem, anonymouse, with your type of analysis (which I must say I trust much less than a distinguished professor) is that it assumes that Israeli governments genuinely want peace on the terms the peace process has gone. the palestinians have made it abundantly clear what demands they have that they want met before they sit down to direct negotiations. the israelis have made it clear that they have certain things they won’t negotiate. i’m not sure how you come to the conclusion that palestinians don’t want peace… let me repeat that… the palestinian negotiators have made it very, explicitly clear what their demands for negotiations are (I’m not making and judgment one way or another on those demands) and israel has made it known what they will not negotiate. the reason direct talks can’t happen is because israel refuses to negotiate on some of the things that the palestinians have demanded. as is the case in almost every single aspect of this conflict since its inception–there is no cut and dry way to say one side is to blame, they are both squarely to blame. one cannot negate the significance of the fact that the most important parts of the solution to palestinians are sovereignty, security, a justly separated jerusalem and a (at least symbolic) right of return. israel has refused to negotiate on jerusalem, palestinian defense or repatriation… so, not sure how you get YOUR read.
I also hope that you can take the words of a (former?) IDF spokesperson that things are not so cut and dry as you’d like them to be.
Wow, with all the mistrust on this site of the IDF Spokesperson Unit, I’m amazed that people might believe what I say. But yes, former.
List of things that the mainstream of the Palestinian liberation movement has agreed to:
Settling for 22% of historic Palestine
Giving up the individual right of return for all refugees and their descendants in exchange for a negotiated compromise that sets the terms for compensation, family reunification, and very limited repatriation of refugees.
Border adjustments that serve Israel, allowing it to retain some settlement blocs on occupied land.
Ceding control of some parts of East Jerusalem and the old city, all of which is occupied territory.
Transforming the Palestinian liberation movement into a state bound by a peace agreement.
Of course, until Israel accepts these terms, they remain somewhat tentative. And, as long as Israel refuses to accept them, the minority camp that rejects those concessions increases in strength.
@ Jew Guevara.
Under which agreement has the mainstream of the Palestinian liberation movement agreed to any of those things?
Name one.
@ arie-
sorry, man. I realized after i clicked that button that maybe i shouldn’t have outed you. i apologize if that was not public information. i think that a good percentage of readership would take it to your credit. anyone paying attention to the nonsense i write might not think that i take it to your credit. but yeah, i’m pretty sure that there are many who would certainly trust that word, even here.