The most important day of the year is not Yom kippur at all.
It’s these days following yom kippur itself; The beginning of the big test to see if we actually internalized anything from all the fasting, praying, and soul-searching.
g’mar hatima tova, I think the last chance is actually hoshana raba/simchat torah.
that is why teshuvah is not atonement or repentantace but tashuv hay.. the return to g-d(liness)
True teshuvah is when you make a reslution not to repeat your wrong ways…
with that said…
The most important day of the year is not Yom kippur at all.
It’s these days following yom kippur itself; The beginning of the big test to see if we actually internalized anything from all the fasting, praying, and soul-searching.
g’mar hatima tova, I think the last chance is actually hoshana raba/simchat torah.
that is why teshuvah is not atonement or repentantace but tashuv hay.. the return to g-d(liness)
True teshuvah is when you make a reslution not to repeat your wrong ways…
with that said…
Yeah that’s the hard part isn’t it.