In the season finale of the web series “Ac’tiv•ist,” Sam deals with the fallout from the deer accident, but sets aside her organizing to have an evening with Phil.
In the fifth episode of the comedy web series “Ac’tiv•ist,” Sam is called away from a fundraising dinner to do damage control.
In the fourth episode of the comedy web series “Ac’tiv•ist,” Miles pushes back and the group has some unexpected visitors. Want to learn more about
In the third episode of the comedy web series “Ac’tiv•ist,” the group holds a big protest and Sam takes Phil to an exciting event.
In the second episode of the comedy web series “Ac’tiv•ist,” Sam enjoys her campaign’s new-found success — until she meets the new volunteers.
Aspiring student organizer Samantha Rushbad grapples with the simultaneously inspiring, mind-numbingly banal, infuriatingly stupid, and downright absurd nature of campus activism as she starts a campaign to force her college to divest from Israel. As Sam steps ever-further into the labrynthine world of activism, she must also deal with her mother, love interest, teachers, and friends who fail to understand her activist life.