Avraham Burg tonight!
Do you agree with Avraham Burg? Do you disagree? Aren’t sure? If you’re in Jerusalem, you can go see him speak about his new book tonight at 7:00 at Tmol Shilshom. I’ll be there, as will some other Jewschoolers.
Like Shamirpower and Avraham Burg, Tmol Shilshom is vegetarian.
Actually, so was Hitler.
“Like Shamirpower and Avraham Burg, Tmol Shilshom is vegetarian.”
Inc you missed the joke.
🙁 I did.
I think I may have missed the joke too…
So was anyone there? What happened? I would have liked to have gone but I have too much to do before Rosh Hashanah.
BZ — you were referencing Shamir*power’s post from a few weeks ago that said her and Avraham Burg were perfect together because they’re both vegetarian.
Oh, right. I was wondering if there was more.
I was there, and Bluegrass Pirate took extensive notes, which he may post at some point.
Was his talk along the same lines as his recent Ha’aretz editorial. The following excerpt has to rank up there with one of the most moronic utterances ever by a Jewish public intellectual:
Burg’s position is that today’s Jews, who in America and Israel are at the cutting edge of every scientific and intellectual endeavor have “no influence” compared to centuries in which we were locked in the ghetto and schtetl, kept away from the wider world. That’s just schtyuot on stilts.
Though the cause of evil prosper, yet ’tis truth alone is strong
Though her portions be the scaffold, and upon the throne be wrong
Yet that scaffold sways the future, and behind the dim unknown
Standeth God within the shadow, keeping watch above his own.
– James Russell Lowell
I believe that this is was Avraham Burg meant.
avrum burg is a traitor