Bend the Arc Day of Ation - 7 Vigil in front of Trump Tower

Bend the Arc expands ground campaign to defeat Trump

This just in from our friends at Bend the Arc’s action arm:

WASHINGTON, DC – Bend the Arc Jewish Action unveiled today the latest expansion of its plans to help defeat Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump in the November election. Stosh Cotler, CEO of Bend the Arc Jewish Action, made the announcement during a briefing on a new poll that details the opposition of Jewish voters in Florida to Trump’s agenda.
The new initiatives, part of the group’s “We’ve Seen This Before” campaign, will organize Jews nationwide to travel to swing states and join existing strategic efforts to defeat Trump. Bend the Arc Jewish Action’s election-focused anti-Trump work is unique among progressive Jewish groups in the United States.

Stosh Cotler CEO Bend the Arc
Stosh Cotler, CEO of Bend the Arc
“For months, Bend the Arc Jewish Action has led American Jews in sending a clear message that Trump’s use of hatred and fear for political purposes runs counter to fundamental Jewish values,” said Cotler. “The Jewish community is passionately committed to stopping Trump from winning and stopping our country from traveling down the dark path he would lead us. Our organization will work every day from now until the election to ensure that Trump’s agenda of violence and bigotry is rejected and to advance the Jewish vision of a more just, democratic and inclusive America.”
The campaign will feature several components, including:

  • Bend the Arc Jewish Action’s GOTV weekend (Oct. 30-31)— Jewish volunteers across the country will travel to the swing states that will decide the Presidential election – including Florida, Pennsylvania, Nevada and Ohio — for a crucial weekend of get-out-the-vote work in partnership with other progressive organizations. Bend the Arc Jewish Action will organize and subsidize bus trips from key cities and caravans and rideshares from all over the country.
  • ‘Book of Life’ Day of Action (Sept. 29)—In cities across the country, supporters of Bend the Arc Jewish Action will hold public actions where they will create their own ‘Books of Life’, in keeping with the themes of Rosh Hashanah (the Jewish New Year). The actions will affirm the fundamental humanity and rights of people who have been threatened and victimized in the current political climate of hate and bigotry, such as Muslims, immigrants, women and people of color. Participants will also have the opportunity to commit to participate in voter mobilization efforts in their communities and online.
  • Engagement in Florida (mid-September – Election Day)—Mobilizing the half-million Jewish voters in Florida, a crucial swing state, could make a major difference in November. Bend the Arc Jewish Action will be on the ground, organizing and mobilizing this community throughout the fall, and volunteers from around the country are expected to travel to Florida to join the effort.
Bend the Arc Day of Action - 1 Vigil in front of Trump Tower
Bend the Arc demonstrates outside Trump Tower in NYC.
Today’s announcement builds on Bend the Arc Jewish Action’s leadership in the Jewish community combatting extremism and bigotry in this year’s presidential race. In June, Bend the Arc Jewish Action organized a series of anti-Trump Vigils Against Violence in 50 different cities across the country (see the report on the action here). Bend the Arc Jewish Action also strongly denounced Trump’s plan to start a government registry of Muslims last fall and launched a televised campaign, “Heard it Before”, comparing anti-immigrant rhetoric in the presidential campaign to what Jewish immigrants faced a century ago. As anti-Semitic attacks have become a feature of Trump’s campaign, Bend the Arc Jewish Action has called on the campaign’s chief Jewish supporter – the Republican Jewish Coalition – to rescind its endorsement. To date, 30,000 American Jews have signed petitions denouncing Trump and joined Bend the Arc Jewish Action’s effort to defeat his campaign.
For more information about Bend the Arc Jewish Action’s national campaign to defeat Donald Trump, “We’ve Seen This Before,” visit
Bend the Arc Jewish Action is a national organization inspired by Jewish values and the steadfast belief that Jewish Americans, regardless of religious or institutional affiliations, are compelled to create justice and opportunity for Americans.

3 thoughts on “Bend the Arc expands ground campaign to defeat Trump

  1. I am seeing that many Republicans always wanted to turn on the Shower and Fire the Ovens as Pink Floyd puts it, and it wasn’t just a pappa Bush thing. A Jew for Trump is a Jew for Hitler Part 2 and being sent to the ovens.
    As a German who’s father’s mother lived through both Hitler and Stalin I would say this is somewhat different than the one balled wonder’s rise to power as instead of mass poverty it is happening in a time when the media refuses to talk about how much better the economy is.
    This man is a result of the prevailing media and as such, we should stop parroting the claim that the media is controlled by Liberal Jews and speak the truth that is controlled by Christian Zionist who want as their end goal the end times and the murder of all non-Christians. I stand with the Jews even though not with Israel. I stand with all minorities as a German who did nothing when so many people suffered. I am a Gay Conservative who stands with the Democrats and the Jews!

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