Give your nominations for the Best Passover Links
Dear Jewschool Readers –
As the month of Nisan begins, many of us are thinking forward to Passover and how to make spice up our seders. While we may not all be responsible for leading our seders, many of us are looking for ways to get in the Passover spirit, add something meaningful to your seder, or learn more about the holiday on your own. We at Jewschool would like to connect our readers to all of the useful resources there are out there, but we need your help.
We are currently compiling a “best of” list for web resources for passover. Please submit your favorite sites in a the comments to this post or via email to in any of the following categories:
-Overall Passover site/”mega” site
-Full Haggadah downloads
-Passover Haggadah supplements
-Passover related graphics
-Passover stories (traditional and modern)
-Site with free Passover mp3s to download
-Passover site with lyrics to parody songs for seder
-Explanations of modern Passover rituals
-Divrei Torah about Passover
-Passover greeting cards and animated cartoons
-Games and activities for kids on Passover
-Social action points related to Passover
-Passover recipes (sephardic and ashkenazic both welcome!)
-Guides for halakhot (laws) of Kosher L’Pesach
-Misc./no specific category.
Please give us as many sites as you know of (specified by category) by Wednesday, April 5 so that we can give you the results in time for your seders.
Thank you!
-The Power of the Shamir
Great idea!
do you want resources e-mailed or in comments shamirpower?
Those looking for the definitive story of the “orange on the seder plate” (or the shorter page that sparked the whole discussion that elicited the history) should check out my page on the subject:
e-mail or comments – whichever you prefer. let’s get the ball rolling people! even if you think everyone knows of a certain resource, please send share as many links as you can.
Lots of good stuff in :
Recipes, halacha, stories, games, anything the Rebbe z”ll could ever wish fo!
Great afikomen prizes and products to make the seder fun and meaningful!
In the misc./diversion dept., I forget if this is new or old – “the world’s fastest hagadah”:
It probably causes seizures.
Chabad’s website is the
Some funny Cartoons:
Matzah Man
Yo, This is Moses!
ShaBot Seda’ Club
Jib-Jab Matzah
Who let the Jews out?
we’re espeically looking for gems that you’ve found that one may not find on a regular internet search, such as this earth-based haggadah i recently came across. thanks sara for the idea of afikomen prizes and fun props for the seder. jewschool readers – please keep ’em coming!
just in time! pass it around:
We have lots of good stuff at Beyond Teshuva including a A Guide to Conducting the Seder.
Here is the correct link for the Guide to Conducting the Seder.
List of products that are kosher for Pesach that DO NOT require supervision (at least according to the Shulchan Aruch, not according to the companies that profit off of the kashrut idustry):
great Hagadah for download
EVERY year we download a NEW one for our guests
Well, someone already mentioned my haggadah — thanks! Peeling a Pomegranate Haggadah
I also have a list of great afikomen prizes too!