Boundaries and Transgressions: New Zeek online, in print, and in person
April marks the publication of Zeek Magazine’s Spring/Summer 2006 print issue, our April online issue (which shows off our website’s new look), as well as the annoucement of our next big event on May 18:
Highlights from Spring/Summer 2006 print issue:
- Ruth Knafo Setton, When God Yelled at Me
- Gordon Haber, Peyos ex Machina
- Mordecai Drache, Queerness and the New Jewish Cultures
- Phil S. Stein, How I Ended Up at the Jerusalem Same-Sex Attraction Group
- Rachel Zucker, Alluvial
- Jay Michaelson, A Tranparent God: Tensions Between Buddhism and Judaism
- Alex Mankowitz, White Meat
- David Shasha, The Levantine Option: What the Ashkenazim Have Hidden from Us
Highlights from April online issue:
- Dr. Jonathan (Yoni) Garb on “New Age” Kabbalah
- Passover fiction by Jeremy Mullem
- Sarah Glover reviewing Beth Grossman’s virgin Mary Jewish artwork
- Esther Solomon on Israel’s Coffee Craze
- Leah Koenig on the latest Barbie movie
- Poetry & Prose by Joseph Dobkin, Jay Michaelson, and more
- Art by Melissa Shiff, Andy Curtis, Bill Bragg, & others
Also, May 18:
“Boundaries and Transgressions: Words+Music from the New Jewish Culture”
This unique, multimedia art event cosponsored by Zeek and the Makor Artists Network: This will be an unforgettable evening of video art, spoken word, music, and even puppetry – featuring Sam Apple, Jenny Romaine, Ruth Knafo Setton, Adalantre, Avi Fox, Merav Ezer & Corey Feiner, Rabbi Jacob Staub, and many more.
Thursday, May 18, 8pm at Makor (35 W 67th Street, NYC)