Breaking News: People Who Don't Have Much of Any Background or Expertise in the Gaza Conflict Giving Forth Opinions Anyway
When someone sent me this link I thought it would be to The Onion. Except it’s not. That would be Haaretz.
The AP reports that the conservative website PJTV has hired noted Middle East historian and policy wonk Joe the Plumber to bring the stories of Israel’s “‘Average Joes'” to our awareness.
I guess the level of nuance and complexity we can expect from him will be on par with much of what we’re seeing on these here Internets (from both the right and the left) on the Gaza situation.
I say this in all snarkiness, does this guy even know any Jews or Arabs? I mean, not the ones on TV.
like this guy?
Hahahaha this is BEAUTIFUL.
What’s the deal with the Onion anyway? Is that publication totally made-up stuff for entertainment (e.g. the National Enquirer)? Seriously, what is their platform? Real news? or Entertainment?
The Onion is satire–aka fake news. They make stuff up, but unlike the National Enquirer, eg, they are pretty clear about the part with making things up. Some of their satire (like this, famously, from the spring) is quite dead-on, imho.
When I got an email about Joe the Plumber, War Correspondent, I was sure this had to have been a fiction crafted to point at the ridiculous state of punditry today. But no–this one is actually ridiculous, but in real life.
I eagerly await his first correspondence with my bottle of Woodford Reserve on hand to toast his genius.