Britney Hits The Books
Leave it to Defamer to pry my jaw to the floor with this brave paparazzi photo of Britney Spears toting about a copy of The Zohar, the ancient book of kabbalistic wisdom. Oy, I’d love to see her try that in Tzefat…
Leave it to Defamer to pry my jaw to the floor with this brave paparazzi photo of Britney Spears toting about a copy of The Zohar, the ancient book of kabbalistic wisdom. Oy, I’d love to see her try that in Tzefat…
I wonder if she reads it in the bathroom?
I wonder if she can even read.
I wonder if this is a sign of the apocalypse.
note: this is not merely a “copy of The Zohar” that she is carring, rather this is one volume of the 43 volume kabbalah center Hebrew/English version of the Zohar – available for purchase for only $415
(***they do not sell single volumes)
I live in tzfat, I would teach her. Although I think my wife would object to her moving in… now there is an interesting dillema… (goes off to think about it)
the Berg Kabbalah Center is handing them out for free in Israel at discounted rates and in the Shomron, door-to-door, for free by saying that it will protect you, your family and your home.
Crock of sh*t – this is plain ‘avodah zara’ or idol worshipping.
So subsequently, some synagogues then collect them from and send them to g’niza.
and subsequently, when they set up a stand at a community event to hand them out, they had real large thugs around to make sure no opposing voice could be heard in that area.
I wonder that she is reading something she can’t understand.