Doubletalk continues as Obama's influence seen
Just a couple of days following the first official meeting between PM Netanyahu and President Obama it has become clear that Obama demanded that outposts be evacuated.
Just today Israel forcibly evacuated the outpost of Maoz Esther (pictured to the right), removing the seven metal caravans-turned-homes and forcing the youth present to leave–there were no accounts of violence.
During the Clinton years, Israel would evacuate such outposts while rapidly expanding other settlements. This is still holding true as just in the last few months settlement expansion has been seen at settlements such as Eli, Rechelim, Ma’aleh Michmash and Kochav Hashahar. When I was in Kiryat Arba I also witnessed new housing construction, and likewise while in Bethlehem I could see what appeared to be new homes being built in Har Gilo and Neve Daniel.
So it is clear that Netanyahu is doing the same thing he (and Barak and Sharon and Olmert) did in his last tenure in office, acceding minimally to American demands of evacuating outposts while simultaneously expanding settlements. It will be interesting to see if Obama and Clinton can hold Israel to fulfill American demands or if Israel will be able to continue actively changing the “facts on the ground” and further their grip over the future Palestinian state.
As long as Bibi and Lieberman are in power, the prospect of a Palestinian state might not be the ‘future’. :
It may be a little less current than your post, but this article by Gideon Levy about Netanyahu’s and Lieberman’s ascent to power describes the atmosphere of panic and fear that they cultivate and rely upon. It might be interesting background to ongoing developments like these.
Wow, Justin, you actually saw new construction in Kiriyat Arba? How is that possible when there is a housing freeze and new homes were destroyed in the nearby Gilad Farm by Kiriyat Arba last week? Did you see the armed Israeli soldiers destroying the Jewish homes at the Gilad Farm? Or did you miss that one because you were in Bethlehem instead? And just who were you visiting in Bethlehem anyway? Your Arab friends?
wow, alex, I love your friendly tone.
And if I have Arab friends, is that a problem? I was under the impression that peace starts with individual personal relationships.
If you’d like to see a photograph of the houses being built in Kiryat Arba just look here: