
Er, okay then

I go away for three days and all hell breaks loose. Jeebus. I see you’ve all met my sister, Holy Terror. After listening to so many people bitch about not having a diverse enough array of opinion on the site, I figured, hey, why not add a hareidi Kachnik metalhead to the mix? Only drawback is she’s a bit new to the blogging thing, so forgive her missteps — I’ve cleaned up the mess. Anywho, that ought to spice things up a bit. And she’s now been schooled on proper etiquette and protocol, so, don’t stress the addition. As for now, Shabbat shalom. We’re having a little DNS trouble so if the site goes out over the weekend, don’t worry, it’ll be back as soon as the new settings propagate.

7 thoughts on “Er, okay then

  1. is ht really mobius’s sister? or is “she” really mobius attempting to write in the voice of a rightist? whoever/whatever ht really is, she (?) is still a fresh voice; and if she really exists and is mobius’s sister, what happened to the theory that a apple doesnt fall far from the tree

  2. I welcome the addition of your sister HOly Terror!! She is certainly the redeeming force for your family name. Your family gatherings must have some interesting debates/screaming matches.

  3. hey Digital.
    my family deserves a lot of respect in their own right.
    especially my mom
    who deserves a lot of credit
    because what she does to help Jewish and non-jewish people, like Holocaust survivors, agunot, AIDS victims and even the non-Jewish knucklehead kids she lets in her house goes above and beyond the call of generosity and goodness in any respects.

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