Exploiting Fear of Antisemitism Used As Campaign Tactic in FL Sheriff Race
Ken Eggleston, a candidate for sheriff in Palm Beach County, FL, has been spreading rumors about his opponent, Ric Bradshaw, stating that, if elected, he would coddle antisemites and racists, because, as a current sheriff’s department employee, he has done nothing to combat alleged racist behavior on the part of officers within his department.
Fliers promoting the accusation have been heavily circulated amongst the Palm Beach Jewish community in recent weeks and Jewish leaders are ticked, not at Bradshaw, of course, but at Eggleston, a jackass who thinks he can get away with exploiting our concerns about antisemitism to get ahead in an election.
If only the majority of American Jewish voters would recognize this is the same game Bush is playing…
since bush hasn’t been spreading rumors about kerry coddling anti-semites, please explain how your analogy works.
he’s attacked kerry for being “weak” on israel
mobius, when did he say that? i havent heard that at all.
here ya go … it’s not him directly; it’s an overture of his campaign
ahhh – i dunno. accusing kerry of being weak on israel isn’t quite the same as accusing someone of coddling antisemites.
in an age where anti-zionism is being equated with anti-semitism in the mainstream media, it’s pretty much the same thing.
it’s pretty much the same thing. Really? Accusing someone of being weak on Israel is pretty much the same as calling them an antisemite? Wow. Weird.
in an age where anti-zionism is being equated with anti-semitism in the mainstream media Uh, that’s cause a lot of the anti-Zionism out there is antisemitic. Specifically, it is founded on the premise that there is no Jewish people.
“Accusing someone of being weak on Israel is pretty much the same as calling them an antisemite? Wow. Weird.”
in the public perception? don’t forget…kerry also “looks french.”
8opus: “Uh, that’s cause a lot of the anti-Zionism out there is antisemitic. Specifically, it is founded on the premise that there is no Jewish people.”
And that’s exactly how the Bush campaign’s bullshit accusations of Kerry being “weak on Israel” become the common mantra, and works to exploit the antisemitism of anti-Zionism.
From: http://tinylink.com/?sCEVwSg8iG
AIPAC has touted this election as a “win-win” proposition, noting Bush’s strong support for Israel and Kerry’s 100 percent pro-Israel voting record in the Senate.
One other quick point. The Busheviks really know how to sell Fear. Fear of liberals, fear of queers, fear of terrorism (funny how threat levels seem to rise whenever an embarassing memo is declassified, ain’t it?), and even oddly enough fear of Jews (one only need revisit who was where on Gibson Passion controversy). And no one responds to fear mongering better than us.
So get ready for a summerful of repeating, repeating, and repeating some more about how Kerry is “weak on Israel” and Oy, if Bush loses Arafat wins……