Exploring Biblical Palestinian History
Political Zionism has betrayed Judaism as much as Christian fundamentalism has perverted Christianity. That is why, the same church that once labeled Jews as “Christ-killers,” as the “rejected” or “forsaken people,” now calls them “Chosen people of God” so that the “second coming of Messiah/lord Jesus” could be expedited. Likudnik Zionists are willing to ride this runaway train of Christian/Religious Right hoping that it is going to take them to their destination fast, unconcerned that such a ride could be suicidal on its path. Either group seems to think that it is outfoxing the other. It is but a dangerous illusion. Nevertheless, this marriage of convenience has given birth to many pseudo-analysts and -experts that are willing to lie and distort facts.
Habib Siddiqui counters the claims of WorldNet contributor Joseph Farrah, and presents hard-evidence of the place of Palestinians in the Old Testament.
You have done it again. Habib Siddiqui’s might be interesting, but the site that published it is anti-Semitic, not to mention, anti-Zionist. Context means a lot. Whats your point?
anti-zionist is fine; antisemitic is another thing. i don’t see anything blatantly antisemitic on that site; just a lot of anti-israel stuff, which is pretty damn common nowadays.
with the posting of this particular article, i’m just trying to make the point that you can’t deny the existence nor place of palestinians in the region; whereas i so often hear jewish people saying “there’s not such thing as a palestinian.” clearly, this is a lie.
…nevermind; i just found some thinly veiled antisemitic shit. i won’t be blogging this site in the future.
with the posting of this particular article, i’m just trying to make the point that you can’t deny the existence nor place of palestinians in the region
Good point, not so good example. As in presents hard-evidence of the place of Palestinians in the Old Testament — no, presents hard evidence of the place of Plishtim in the Torah, and kind of implies that today’s Palestinians are the direct descendants of the Plishtim.
Which sounds an awful lot like the long-running no-where-do-Jews-*really*-come-from discussion — interesting as far as those things go, I guess, but not really so important.