
Forward moves Forward

Founded 1897, The Jewish Daily Forward is the only publication that I can safely say that I have read with the same regularity as my grandfather. Of course, when he read it, it was in printed on broadsheet, published daily and had a local Chicago edition. In Yiddish.
100 years after he landed on America’s shores and picked up a copy, I read at least one article from it daily, sent to me in e-mail or via rss and viewed online or via tablet. I read it in English. Suffice it to say, The Forward is still relevant, and since I read it daily, can once more safely be called a daily.
It has a new look online (Lookey lookey) and the publication has a new blog focused on news analysis called, cleverly, Forward Thinking, which I plan to check out regularly. Kudos. Oh, and if you want to read Forverts in Yiddish on your iPad, you can.

3 thoughts on “Forward moves Forward

  1. Not to be a party pooper, but I much preferred their old format. It was sleek and very HuffPo. This looks amateurish in comparison.

  2. I liked the old website as well. Now that New Voices, which I’ll be the editor of beginning officially on July 1, has moved our office to a cubicle within the Forward‘s office, my desk is a short office chair roll away from their web guy, Nate.
    The day after the site went live, we chatted about it. Though I liked the old site a lot, one problem with it was that it was a little to dark and stuffy. I liked that it looked kind of like a newspaper. No one else like that though, or so I’m told.
    Anyway, the new design is very slick and much more versatile and configurable. It’s more bright and inviting. And it also matched their current print design more closely, which is good.

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