8 thoughts on “Get ready to lose your lunch…

  1. Uh! Is that Yassin? It’s hard to tell as I don’t speak arabic and, well, he’s missing the top of his head! I think putting that link on your blog violates the Geniva convention. If not, it should.

  2. Official: Yassin Offered Israel a Truce
    JERUSALEM (AP) – Hamas founder Sheik Ahmed Yassin, assassinated in an Israeli air strike, offered Israel a 30-year truce in 1997, the mediator who arranged Yassin’s release from prison said Tuesday.
    Efraim Halevy, a former Mossad operative who was called in to resolve an Israel-Jordan crisis after a botched assassination attempt against a Hamas leader in Jordan in 1997, made the disclosure in an interview on Israel TV.
    Halevy was a confidant of Jordan’s King Hussein, and he suggested releasing Yassin from Israeli prison as the price for freedom for six Mossad agents captured in the abortive attempt to kill Hamas leader Khaled Mashaal. Yassin was imprisoned in 1989.
    Halevy, who later served as Mossad chief and is now a private citizen, said that just before the Mashaal affair, “Yassin brought up the idea of a cease-fire of 30 years between Israel and the Palestinians.”

  3. I shouldn’t be a matter of being proud or not. Looking at those pictures (and might I just say, ugh!), one has to wonder how so much hate can come from so much biological matter. A graphic reminder that while it is true that on the inside, we are all human, how we conduct that humanity on the outside makes a huge difference.

  4. thats nasty. im kinda glad that guys dead. and that the israelis killed his ass. though i dont think killing him will do much to make the world a better place.

  5. Why do the photos look so washed out, especially the flesh tones in the face compared to the red gore? It could be a Photoshop job, who knows. Even the shadow of the medic’s hand seems odd, as if it does not ripple enough as it passes over different depths. It’s probably just my imagination.

  6. I pasted this link into IRC last night, and found a reply waiting for me this morning:
    “you know, it looks almost like they were trying to stuff his brains back in, in an attempt to fix him… praise Allah!”
    But it was followed up with:
    “Going to vomit. BBL.”

  7. Official: Yassin Offered Israel a Truce What I find weird about the discussion is all the folks who opposed the killing who’re falling over themselves to show what a good guy Yassin was — as those the former were connected to the latter.
    So, for the record: I think assassinating was a dumb, bonehead move; I condemn it. I also think Yassin was a war criminal who played the media and made a life of screwing over the Palestinian people. And, yeah, I’m bemused by those who stand now to praise him: even in his death, he’s still playing folks for suckers.

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