Global Orgasm for Peace–Dec 22nd
Yes, you’re reading right. My sister sent this to me the other day. Why not, I believe in energy.
With the knowledge that two US Anti-Submarine Fleets are en route to the Persian Gulf, an activist couple are calling for the first annual synchronized Global Orgasm for Peace.The Global Orgasm for Peace was conceived by Donna Sheehan, 76, and Paul Reffell, 55, whose immodest goal is for everyone in the world to have an orgasm Dec. 22 while focusing on world peace.
”The orgasm gives out an incredible feeling of peace during it and after it,” Reffell said Sunday. ”Your mind is like a blank. It’s like a meditative state. And mass meditations have been shown to make a change.”
The couple are no strangers to sex and social activism. Sheehan, no relation to anti-war activist Cindy Sheehan, brought together nearly 50 women in 2002 who stripped naked and spelled out the word ”Peace.”
This started a “mini-movement” called Baring Witness.
From their press materials:
Our minds influence Matter and Energy fields, so by concentrating our thoughts during and after The Big O on peace and partnership, the combination of high orgasmic energy combined with mindful intention will reduce global levels of violence, hatred and fear.
“Our feelings about yet another escalation of war are not unlike what initiated and spawned Baring Witness.Org. in Pt. Reyes Station, California. Again, it is time to try something new. We are inspired by Princeton University’s Global Consciousness Project as a scientific way to measure and honor our efforts.” said Donna Sheehan.
Read more here and here.
And then do some prep work online here and here.
crossposted to JVoices
“time to try something new”…heh? What a load of crap! Why resort to an orgasm for peace, when the Prince of Peace is alive?! Well…I guess if you are so empty inside you’ll resort to anything.
‘Prince of Peace’? Tee hee…..
Anyhoo, it’s a great idea. I’m going to make an effort. Anyone um…. want to join me at that time? Jewish females preferred, but all applicants will be considered.
Hey I was probably going to have one that day anyway so why not do it for peace.
Jew Guevara, I would think twice about stating that you are willing to consider all applicants. Have you ever put a dating profile online? You’re just inviting trouble – not that trouble is a bad thing 🙂
So it will be a triple mitzvah that Friday night… 🙂