this is interesting. everyone is truly searching to be. everyone really wants to ultimately allow themselves to let go to a truth that cannot be tilted and only become more revealed. thanks for posting this mobius, i never heard of this site and, despite differences of ‘belief’ or maybe exposure, i find relief with the active struggle people will not let die down. this is a beautiful approach and silent scream to the Most High, HaShem. its so pure and coated with utter confusion. Please G-d should only reveal truths and complete the circle for all the people that are endlessly involved with this struggle for (over) Him.
this is interesting. everyone is truly searching to be. everyone really wants to ultimately allow themselves to let go to a truth that cannot be tilted and only become more revealed. thanks for posting this mobius, i never heard of this site and, despite differences of ‘belief’ or maybe exposure, i find relief with the active struggle people will not let die down. this is a beautiful approach and silent scream to the Most High, HaShem. its so pure and coated with utter confusion. Please G-d should only reveal truths and complete the circle for all the people that are endlessly involved with this struggle for (over) Him.