Grassroots Jewish life in the Mid-Atlantic
Only a month away! The National Havurah Committee is having its first Chesapeake Region Retreat in over a decade. This retreat, taking place March 3-5, 2006, at the Pearlstone Retreat Center in Reisterstown, Maryland, will bring together grassroots Jewish communities from all over the Mid-Atlantic region, from Virginia to New York, for a multigenerational weekend of Jewish learning and community.
Highlights include:
- Elizabeth Richman, “Heavenly Voices, Eyes that Kill, and Naked Torah Study”
- Sherry Israel, “Early Rabbinic Politics”
- Ben Dreyfus, “Don’t Think of an Elephant: How Can Liberal Jews Express Our Values?“
- “The Care and Feeding of Havurot: An Intergenerational Conversation”
- Sarah Beller, “Hodu ad Kush: Purim Songs from Around the World”
- and much more!
Download the brochure and registration form. And post a comment if you’ll be there!
(Photo credit: shir-yaakov at
I’ll be there!
It’s a nice place. I went there last year for a reunion thing, and am going again this weekend.
I’ll be there. Rumor has it that motzei shabbes may include both a Jewish book swap AND the Vulgar Bulgars (central Virginia’s newest klezmer phenomenon …)
I hate feet.
i’ll be there.
that klezmer band is terrific.
I live like 10 minutes away, so I figure I should go just for the heck of it. 😀
I understand how Harry feels about feet. But I still really love this picture…