Hiddur: The Center for Aging and Judaism Gets a New Website
Hiddur: The Center for Aging and Judaism just got a new website. It’s a cool organization dedicated to chaplaincy, care, end-of-life issues, and lots of other important work. From the release:
The site includes information about our growing professional education program and our spiritual resources for aging, as well as writings and resources for rabbis, professionals and lay people. It offers:
* Samples of our groundbreaking scholarship, from professional and general-audience publications
* When the Body Begins to Fail: Reaching Out in Prayer, an original compilation of prayers for individuals facing physical decline, available as a PDF
* Gearing Up for the Age Wave: A Guide for Synagogues, the report from a think tank co-sponsored by Hiddur and the Sacred Aging Project of the Union for Reform Judaism
* Links to a fascinating array of organizations and resources for aging, spirituality and Judaism
* Opportunities to support Hiddur’s work with secure, online donations
We are thrilled to see this acknowledgement of Hiddur’s new site. We would like, however, to let readers know that Hiddur’s work is concerned with the broadest understanding of aging. We are working to empower and engage elders in lives of meaning and beauty; this work concerns everyone from Boomers approaching the next phase of their lives to the oldest old. We welcome feedback as we endeavor to foster truly multigenerational communities.
Many thanks!