
IDF Grills Vets Over Photo Exhibit Exposing Abuses

Reuters reports (by way of Al-Jazeera, ha!),

The army on Wednesday said it was probing the allegations raised by “Breaking the Silence: Soldiers Tell About Hebron” – a display of photographs and videotaped accounts collected by the four troopers in the flashpoint city.

But exhibition organisers accused authorities of hushing up criticism of Israel’s action to suppress a 3-1/2-year-old Palestinian uprising.

“I think there is an attempt here to prevent other soldiers from breaking the silence,” said Giora Salmi, director of the Tel Aviv gallery staging the exhibition.

Full story.

13 thoughts on “IDF Grills Vets Over Photo Exhibit Exposing Abuses

  1. velvel
    you’ve convnced me – because of that one photo, any claim of suffering of the Palestinian people must also be fraud
    thanks for clearing up that issue

  2. The main point of the ‘exhibit’ is to reinforce the nasty image we all have internalized about those wicked, evil Hebron settlers who because of them (only 500 or so), Hebron Arabs (hundreds of thousands) have to learn to respect Jews and don’t have another Judenrhein city like Ramallah, Shechem, Bethlehem, Jenin, Kalkiliya, etc…
    “attempt here to prevent other soldiers from breaking the silence”???
    Maybe because most soldiers don’t nuture vile nad nasty hatred to fellow Jews?

  3. Josh.
    My father served in hebron. its a sick place – most soldiers (from right and left) would agree its just insane there. If you want some testimonies, tell me.

  4. (BTW, I was there last year and saw IRL what some of it was like.)
    Of course it’s a ‘sick place’ (your words not mine).
    Tens of thousands of Arabs who would love to repeat the 1929 massacre which rid Hebron of Jews until 1967 and a mere 500 Jews who want to live near the burial place of ancestors and be able to live wherever they want and can afford, but are forced to live like cowards in detached compounds around the city with bulletproof windows and the leftist press that despises them.
    Asaf, why is it a given, especially from leftists, that Jews can’t live in Arab neighbourhoods, and if they do (even on land or in houses they purchased) it is considered a provocation?
    After you answer that, please tell me why so many soldiers need to guard so little Jews?

  5. why is it a given, especially from leftists, that Jews can’t live in Arab neighbourhoods, and if they do (even on land or in houses they purchased) it is considered a provocation?
    It’s not a given by anyone, obviously. The point is that Jews living in Hebron, for example as a minority, might well be a good idea — but in the world of the here and now, the act of moving there under Israeli sovereignty butts up against a thousand powderkegs. None of which are particularly happy things, nor rational, but they’re there.
    Maybe living in Hebron will work out, but it just isn’t very practical right now. And the whole axe-to-grind thing about abstracting realities, ignoring contexts, and ploughing in and doing what seems objectively right anyway (“no! i have the right to” … blam) seems extraordinarily pigheaded.
    After you answer that, please tell me why so many soldiers need to guard so little Jews? What, you’re confused about this? Josh: there’s a low-level war going on. Hatred. Violence. The whole bit. That’s the point.

  6. 8opus,
    right on, but: Why do we have to be pragmatic and move Jews to ‘safer’ areas? I remind you that The arabs view all of Israel as how you view that small jewish Hebron community.

  7. I went to this exhibit a few days ago. Someone spraypainted “ARABS TO THE GAS CHAMBERS” on one of the walls.
    Why do they need to be protected? Because they’re fricking colonizers. Let’s stop calling them “settlers” and start calling them “colonizers,” because that’s what people are who move to occupied land accompanied by a powerful army and by their presence cause misery and suffering to all the indigenous people.
    And at this point I will refrain from also calling them idol-worshippers, etc.

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