In case you missed it…
I’ve moved back to America, drawing to a close three years of living in Jerusalem. I’m now sitting in my parents’ house in Teaneck, and after Shavuous will be moving out to Isabella Freedman for three months to do an internship at Elat Chayyim. Following that, I haven’t yet decided what to do with my life. I’m thinking about applying to start a Moishe House up in Ithaca. Other than that, if someone has a job offer in NY that pays well enough for me to live in Brooklyn, holler.
I don’t have anything on a job offer, but wanted to wish you b’hatzlacha. chag sameach
Go West young man!
Welcome back to eretz ha’kodesh. The land of promise has its problems, but its utopia compared to the promised land. I’ll be up at Izzy F this summer, looking forward to seeing ya.
Isabella F. is a great place. It was a good move for Elat Chayyim.
Welcome to the Galus.
Mobius- I’m coming back on Thursday. Will you be around? Please say oui-
Kansas City
Best of luck. I just had a wonderful experience at Isabella Freedman this past weekend. I had no idea about Moishe Houses, sounds really neat. Welcome back…
Isabella Freedman? What internship?! 🙂