Philip Roth, Nathan Englander and Michael Chabon are among the American Jewish writers who’ve signed a petition opposing the Israeli plan to forcibly relocate Bedouin from their homes in the West Bank. Other signers include Nobel Laureates Seamus Heaney (z”l), J.M. Coetzee, Mario Vargas Llosa, and Orhan Pamuk.
An Israeli court ruled that calling right-wing Israeli group Im Tirtzu “fascists” is a fair description after all and threw out a libel suit against a Facebook group labeling them as such. It’s amazing anyone in Israel dreamed (ha) of outlawing that over-used word.
Achvat Amim (“solidarity of nations”) is a new 5-month volunteer experience in Jerusalem that directly engages with the reality of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict by placing participants in Israeli human rights organizations, sponsored by MASA. (MASA? Whoa.) Coming in January 2013!
Encounter’s new Davar Acher Leadership Program expands to more people their dialogue training and customized Encounter day trips to Palestinian communities in the West Bank. Limited number of paid fellowships available, deadline October 8.
Haven’t been to dialogue with Palestinians on Encounter yet? Here are your chances: Oct 24-25, Nov 14-15 (to Areas B & C), Dec 5-6, and Dec 26-27.
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One thought on “Israel mishegas: Tel Aviv's gay Shoah memorial, new fellowships, and fascists”