Israelis Protest Attack on Gaza
I’ve decided I’m not going to attend the Federation’s “Solidarity with Israel” rally tomorrow in downtown Chicago. Instead I’m going show my solidarity with Israel’s soul by watching this video over and over and over and over again…
I found the comments somewhat depressing.
All of you give great hope to us on the Earth who grieve for all the precious lives being lost and destroyed by the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, especially children and young people who are currently suffering because Israel’s military forces consume more than two-third of its fiscal budget, which amounts to billions of US-dollars that could be utilized to fulfill the real needs of forgotten impoverished Israelis, such as the elderly, the disabled, and the orphans. Children’s expectations for the future should be to have a pen between their fingers, but not the trigger of an Uzi machine gun. God bless you in upholding the highest moral principles and spiritual traditions of Judaism, and for the sacrifices you are making in devoting your lives to the establishment of justice and peace between Jews and Arabs in the Middle East. Shalom!