Jew Watch Webmaster Busted For Relief Fund Fraud
The anti-Semitic doucheneck behind “jooglebomb” target Jew Watch is up to his neck in rising water:
Missouri attorney general Jay Nixon sues a St. Louis man Wednesday, alleging the man is a self-proclaimed white separatist who is deceptively seeking donations in the name of hurricane relief.
The lawsuit filed in St. Louis seeks to freeze the assets of Frank Weltner and keep him from seeking the donations.
Nixon is asking the court to shut down the Web site He says it serves as a collection point for at least ten sites operated by Weltner with hurricane relief-related themes. He says Weltner also operates a site widely regarded as an anti-Semitic site.
Way to go jackass. Let’s see how you pin this one on us. (c/o Shalom S.)
It feels totally wierd saying this but — go get him, Nixon!
I am sure he’ll say that the Zionist US Feds are on him.