Mishegas, Religion

Jewish family DEFECTS in War on Christmas!

From my favorites, the folks over at the Judy Miller Times:

LOS ANGELES, Dec. 19 — It is fair to say that in a neighborhood largely populated with Orthodox Jews, it is rather unconventional to have a life-size Santa perched on the edge of the roof of a house, attached to a microphone and bellowing, “What is this Hanukkah you speak of?”
Ms. Loomis-Shrier, with her son, Hunter, said that some people were offended by her holiday display but that it was her right to put it up.
It is particularly noteworthy that the Santa, and the elaborate Christmas display in which he rests, sits outside the home of a Jewish family, sparking the curiosity, and occasional ire, of neighbors.
“Some people are so offended, you have no idea,” said Mary Loomis-Shrier, who has long erected the giant display on a lovely street south of Hollywood. “But some of my neighbors think it is great. Some of their kids drop their list of toys in my mailbox. I don’t care because I love it, and it is my right.”

So many things to say. What odds will you give me that she’s on Bill O’Reilly’s show tonight… especially when he reads this:

“Ms. Loomis-Shrier, who with her husband runs the famous Hollywood undergarments outpost Trashy Lingerie”

One serious concern that jumps into my head: does she know she’s about to become the poster child for every single Chistian fundamentalist that wants to take the separation out of “separation of church and state”?

14 thoughts on “Jewish family DEFECTS in War on Christmas!

  1. “…runs the famous Hollywood undergarments outpost Trashy Lingerie”. Shocking! And from people with such obviously subtle taste!
    “for every single Chistian fundamentalist that wants to take the separation out of “separation of church and state”?. Of course that phrase never appears in the Constitution.

  2. Eric-
    It’s in a penumbra of one of the amendments, or maybe an emanation, or it could be an emanation of a penumbra. Or it might be in invisible ink between some of the words. In any case, you can’t just read the Constitution in order to read the Constitution. Those words you link to are something between a set of quaint suggestions and eighteenth century calligraphy.

  3. … but it’s OK to attend interfaith “Peace Parties” with Pali Xtians and Muslims.
    As if there haven’t been Chanukah Bushes in America for years.

  4. Of course that phrase never appears in the Constitution.
    Even strict constructionists consider the intent of the framers, and Jefferson talked about this “wall of separation” even if it didn’t appear in the Constitution with that particular wording.

  5. wait… how is this woman going to become a poster child for eradicating state/faith separation? the (funny) display is erected on her PRIVATE home. the state is not involved here at all.

  6. the POLJM (m = Mother) said it was a shendah that this is what gets press. “With all that is wrong with the world,” said she “there could be a better story about this stupid war on Christmas.”
    I happen to agree with my mother. She is a smart woman.
    The hand guy brings up a interesting point: this is at home and in her only private location…right cause that seems to stop the folks out to change the constiution…Gay right anyone?

  7. Eric and J- so my guess is you’re okay with people forcing their religion on others in public and civic spaces, then? Or how about this: instead of snarkily nitpicking the fact that a well known phrase that’s been used pretty regularly in these last 230 years or so doesn’t appear verbatim in the constitution (but as BZ noted, was pretty clearly the intent of the framers, why not discuss the substance of the question? Or have you not been following the whole Karl Rove/Bill O’Reilly/Sean Hannity thing these last few years?
    Invisible Hand- when I think of how Rove and Co have pushed forward their agenda, they’ll use anything they can. Let’s face it, it gets results. So yes, you and I know this is someone decorating their own home. But for the Dennis Pragers of the world, for the folks who claim there’s a war on christmas, this is a Jew who puts up Christmas decorations very publically (more so, Ben-David, than your average Hanukkah bush), this is a talking point for them. I can hear O’Reilly already in my head “See, this Jewish lady doesn’t have a problem with it. She knows this country is Christian. why don’t these other ACLU types, these Atheists get it?”

  8. “Eric and J- so my guess is you’re okay with people forcing their religion on others in public and civic spaces, then? ”
    1) What did I say that allows you to draw that conclusion?
    2) Depends on what you mean by “forcing”. If “forcing” means “displaying”, then, with some caveats, I don’t have a problem.
    “Or how about this: instead of snarkily nitpicking …”
    If you think that the distinction between “separation of church and state” and prohibiting the establishment of religion is nitpicking, I suggest you study some Constitutional law. There’s a great deal of practical difference between the two.
    “(but as BZ noted, was pretty clearly the intent of the framers”
    No, BZ didn’t note that. He noted that it was the intent of ONE framer (Jefferson). In fact, other framers did not agree, and that’s why the Constitution doesn’t read as Jefferson would have written it.
    ” why not discuss the substance of the question?”
    I was reacting to a side point Eric commented on in the post. What question are you asking? It’s pretty clear (and shouldn’t be controversial) that private people can display things others don’t like on their own property. It’s also clear that I am entitled to think that the woman in the post is an ass.

  9. Actually, depending on how loud the microphone and speaker are set, it could be argued that the noise is disturbing the peace, regardless of the content. My hunch: the wife’s not Jewish and the husband couldn’t give a shiite about Judaism.

  10. ugh…saw her on Fox yesterday. She is revolting in the Sandra Bernhardt way.
    And I doubt she is really Jewish…her name is MARY! I know no born Jews named Mary.
    she claimed on Fox that the moms put their childrens lists to Santa in her mail box…um my kids NEVER wrote a Santa list and we were not even Orthodox

  11. her name is MARY! I know no born Jews named Mary.
    Well, that sure takes care of any ambiguity about that issue, doesn’t it? Why don’t you try crawling out of your goddamn cave every couple of years, and you might inadvertently pick up some information about humanity beyond the lessons learned in your support group for half-witted bigots.

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