Jewish New Yorkers Hit Rock Bottom
The Jewish Week reports,
Poverty among New York City’s Jews is at historic highs and rising, even as it is diminishing among other groups in the five boroughs, according to as-yet-unreleased data from a recent survey of New York’s Jewish community.
For the first time in recent history there is a higher percentage of poor households within the Jewish community, 13 percent, than among white households in general in the city, 12 percent, according to the data.
And while New York City’s overall poverty rate fell between 1991 and 2002 — from 25 percent of households earning the federal poverty level or less to 21 percent — it nearly doubled among Jews in that period.
Yet we run all the banks, Wall Street, Washington, the media, and Hollywood. Clearly it’s time to bury that stereotype.
Yet we run all the banks, Wall Street, Washington, the media, and Hollywood. Clearly it’s time to bury that stereotype.
See that’s this goofy diversion people often use
My uncle used to always say that.. “like hey if the Jews run everything, when do I get my check ?”
But the fact that you or I* – regular people – don’t get checks from Edgar Bronfman, Conrad Black, Arthur Schulzberger, Michael Eisner, the studio heads etc, doesn’t mean that Jews aren’t running things vastly in excess of what you might expect considering we make up only 2% of the country
* note: I did once get a grant from a Soros foundation 😉
it says on your website:
“I don’t believe in God, nor do I believe in Organized Religion. Organized religion has caused more harm than good in my opinion, and the world would be better off without it.”
so why do you label yourself jewish..don’t mean to be insulting or anything. just curious.
I’m what is known as a secular Jew
from the article I linked in the above comment:
“Forty-five percent of American Jews are secular — the highest rate of any religion. But “secular” includes people who may not practice their religion but who believe in God. Of secular Jews, 34 percent don’t believe in God. Still, they consider themselves Jewish.”
I guess it comes down to how you define Jewishness
is it exclusively identified by Judaism the religion ?
or is it also a shared cultural and ethnic phenomenon ?
You could spend your entire life trying to define “Jewishness” and you would fail. On the other hand, from what I’ve read in your posts, maybe that’s how you should spend your time. It would be much safer for the rest of us.
Regarding you’re earlier comment, Americans make up only about 4.6% of the world’s population, and American voters closer to 2%. Yet this tiny minority wields almost total power over the entire human race, including the power to destroy it. Just some food for thought.
EMTZAlex wrote: On the other hand, from what I’ve read in your posts, maybe that’s how you should spend your time. It would be much safer for the rest of us.
How do you think my posts create a lack of safety
A new Univ. of Michigan sudy reveals that the average Jew earns four times more than a Wasp, and eleven times that of the hated redneck. Over 75% of all professional sports franchises are owned by Jews. No group is richer, there’s not one even close.
I see alot of people here saying that “Jews are all rich this that”. Well, stereotypes are wrong but in a way is true and not a bad thing. Since Jews are pretty much hated and spread all around the world, they have clined to money for protection. Now, for once, Jews have become very succsessful and influencial. Not all Jews. Some. But still, unlike other rich groups Jews have been known to stick for people and help all. Jewish fundraisers have given more money to feed the hungry , the tsunami disaster, ext. than any other religous organization. Jews walked side by side with Martin Luther King, wrote society altering music in the 60’s, invented the cell phone, won nobel prizes. Jews have worked hard adn suceeded even when the entire world hates them! Impressive. I am a Jew and I am not rich at all. I still owe much college debt and nobody in my family is by any means rich. Yet, I know thier are alot of rich Jews out thier and to that I dont give a shit. They earned it under harsh conditions, uded it to help people and change the world. Stop wineing about what you don’t have and don’t be like the schmucs of the past and blame everything on the Jews. The impoverish Jews in Europe are certainly suffering from this sterotype currently: a synogog was bombed and jeiwsh children are harrasse in school by teachers and goveremnts have done nothing.
To answer a previous Q:
Jewishness is not just a religion it is an ethnicity and identity. Thier are aiethiest jews, religious jews, secular jews, liberal jews, radical jews, capitalist jews, socialist jews ext. We are all different yet we are all connected as one people. SAme genes and attitude on life: don;t try to be someone else, except all, become and reasoning intellectual, treat all with respect, and eat lots of food your a growing boy. This liberalness of Jews stems from the religion too: Jews belive that God made the torah for them to follow but interperet as they choose and as long as you are a good kind well intented person you are good in Gods eyes. This is why Jewish rabbis always debate diff issues such as gay marrige yet the rabbi for gay marrige is not condemned. I;m getting off track all I’m saying is you don’t have to be religious to be jewish and..
evry1 has tried to wipe us out since we started as teh 1st remajor religion but were still here thats pretty cool and amazing…more like a miracle