Jewschool partners with Jews of Color National Convening – May 1-3 in NYC
Jewschool is proud to be a media partner for the first ever Jews of Color National Convening on May 1-3 in NYC and to host a forthcoming series written by Jews of color about their movement for greater racial justice within and by the American Jewish community.
Follow @jocconvening for live updates and Jewschool’s forthcoming series on racial justice.
About the Convening
Recent events have moved the struggle for racial justice and inclusion in America to the forefront of public consciousness. Jews of Color occupy a unique space within that struggle, living at the intersection of multiple communities and identities. We come together this spring as Jews and as People of Color to celebrate our diversity and build our strength as a community. We want to build a world in which our Jewishness thrives; a world where we are valued as leaders within the Jewish community; a world where our identities as People of Color are supported by Jewish communities committed to the fight against racism.
The convening will include music and art, content for families and children,, community building, and workshops, trainings and other sessions on building our power to fight for ourselves and our communities.
About the Presenting Sponsors:
This event is presented and sponsored by the Jewish Multiracial Network andJews For Racial & Economic Justice (JFREJ) It is co-sponsored by Bend The Arc: A Jewish Partnership for Justice and supported by The Ford Foundation.