Joe's Israel
Long time, no post.
Here’s a new cartoon I created for “Joe’s Israel“, a campaign from the American-Israeli Cooperative Enterprise.
See more on Joe’s Israel YouTube page, his Facebook Page, on Twitter, and join the discussion at
and join me in debating the merits of another video from the campaign and its one-sided narrative that completely ignores the existence of palestinians:
love ya will!
The only thing missing from this video is Joe flashing quivering pecks while he dons fatigues and does chinups in his dorm room doorway in anticipation of his pending conscription.
Wait, I’m sorry. That would actually add complexity.
@mobius 😉
I’m confused. Is this video making fun of the ‘but if you’d actually been to Israel on a two week trip, you’d understand why Israel is right in all things’ mentality, or embracing it?