Culture, Justice, Religion

Judaism, Food and Social Justice

Hey yall, this is the first part of 3 part series I’m writing for the Huffington Post about the Jewish food movement. I broke it down into 3 areas: sustainability, social justice, and religion/spirituality. I’m real excited to have this opportunity to get the word out about all the great things going in Jewish food to the Huffpo audience. What do you think I’m missing? What should I include in future posts? How does food, spiritual tradition, and social justice intersect in your life?

5 thoughts on “Judaism, Food and Social Justice

  1. Dear G-d no. Last time leftists interfered in the food sector we got ourselves a global food crisis caused by the production of “sustainable” fuel. Leave food alone!

  2. Young Jewish Farmers Changing the World One Pickle at a Time!
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    to see how you can join ADAMAH for a day or week-long program – come learn and grow with us.

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