Kosher recycling
For those worried about properly handling shaimos … Fear not! Your prayers have been answered! Now you can purchase a Shaimos Box! Just fill it with your shaimos lug it to the post office, pay for shipping and off it goes! What could be easier!?
(…I guess this is marketed to those whose post office is closer than their local synogogue.)
…or perhaps this is marketed to the synagogue.
mostly, these just sit in the shuls and overflow. nobody picks them up anymore, and nobody drops them off either, they simply overflow and the holy name spills onto the flow. great solution.
Shmavis is right – My town had a shammos collection day one Sunday a few years ago. Shammos came pouring by the bag load out of ever home and shul.
They needed a huge moving van to haul it all away and the rest returned to the shul basements. They never did it again. Maybe there is not enough cemetery space???
What’s the deal?