Madonna Shomer Shabbos?!
You heard it here first, kids.
Queen of pop Madonna is refusing to perform on Friday nights on her forthcoming world tour — because her religion disallows it. According to The Sun, Madonna, 45, will instead observe the Shabbat — the Jewish Sabbath — and share a meal with those close to her.
Buh? “Her religion?” When did she convert? Cuz uh, you know, Bergian Kabbalah isn’t exactly Judaism…
You have to admit, tfillin has never looked quite so fetish-y.
apparently you’ve never seen leonard nimoy’s shekhina project
oi.. I shudder every time I see her name on a Jewish website…
Mo, I have. The only thing I can say is to look at Zz65-8.jpg (middle, 2nd row) and in your craziest voice, announce “I am the nudist that prays in the night! I am the talit that was mistaken for a scarf. I am… Darkwing Duck!”
Judaism isn’t the only religion that observes the sabbath, Mo. Plus, I know people who have not yet converted but observe Mitzvot. Just because people have a celebrity obsession doesn’t mean she has to be the perfect model of moral consistancy. As far as I’m concerned, she can tattoo a star of David on her shoulder and start wearing a kipah and arbah kanfot. It doesn’t matter to me, or affect my Judaism.