Mishegaas: World Cup Edition
I admit that watching sports is one of my vices. And as a longtime sweeper and fullback, watching the World Cup has been something I’ve been looking forward to since getting up at 5 am to watch the quarterfinals in 2002.
If any Yidden are unsure as to where their loyalties lay in this edition of the beautiful game’s battle for supremacy, I’d say check out Paraguay’s backline, where the defense is anchored by Captain Carlos Gamarra and Denis Caniza (perhaps changed from Geniza?). Then again, after Gamarra’s own goal during Paraguay’s opening match with England, it may be tough for him to turn the page.
I’m so torn now, Ruby! As a die hard England fan I cannot help but support the Three Lions in their quest to bring home the Cup after forty years. But the subtle irony of the only goal having been scored by an own goal on Gemarra, well…my rabbi woud probably be pleased to know that it reminded me to study after the match!
Perhaps we will find in the years to come a Litvak link in the Rooney family tree?!