More Worthwhile Fodder For Your Elul
The Progressive Jewish Alliance has put together a brochure with texts and thoughts on what tshuvah is and what it demands of us–and how it relates to the bigger picture of what’s happening in the world. They make some pretty specific connections to the California criminial justice system, but the implications of their ideas are even broader than that. Check out the PDF here.
Shouldn’t that be “allegedly close-minded,” since after you read the book you end up basically agreeing with Rosenblatt? the book was both monstrous in stereotyping and monstrously unfunny. Ozick makes the preposterous claim that Reich was not settling scores and that it was the Forward review that “outed” the real-life players — when Reich drew on highly specific real-life events (the exposure of the Operation Solomon Ethiopian airlift, for example) to leave no doubt who her real-life targets were.