New Yummy Social Justice Curriculum of Goodness
As we noted a while ago, last summer the Ziegler School of Rabbinic Studies at the American Jewish University (nee UJ) published a curriculum/guide on Jewish theology called Walking With God, and had made it available for free download.
Well, now they have a new book out, called Walking With Justice, and it is truly fantastic. (I had some time to sit with it a few weeks ago, and was really impressed.) It features units on social justice in the Prophets and Rabbinic literature, and topical units on things like the environment, business practices, globalism, Israeli society, special-needs folk, and kashrut (which is, of course, extra relevant these days). It should also be noted that one unit was penned by Jewshool’s own Aryeh Cohen.
You can download both books (chapter by chapter, as .pdfs) here.